
Barbora Kotěšovcová

“How do we perceive mistakes and flaws and how important are those for us?” Barbora asks herself. “When a human being experiences and errs, they create a protective immunity for similar upcoming events, which they will, hopefully, solve better. Therefore, through these fashion pieces, I tried to communicate something that disrupts our personal comfort. Although we might not be fans, we need such disruptions because they push our comfort zone further and make us feel better in the long run.” Barbora Kotěšovcová

studio vertijet

Yuca easy chair
It looks like a spatial sculpture, at once experimental and inviting, rotatable and completely covered. The YUCA easy chair is reminiscent of a softly rounded cup of petals, appearing to grow out of thin air. It stands on a metal X-shaped base which is chrome-plated or lacquered. The result is a perfect shape brimming with flexibility and seating comfort.