

A Rainbow in Curved Air
Using overdubbing, Riley plays all the instruments on the title track: electric organ, 2 electric harpsichords (a Baldwin electric harpsichord & a RMI Rock-Si-Chord), dumbec, and tambourine. The piece moves through several sections; following the opening theme and introduction of “placid chords,” Riley introduces “an explosion, a procession of right-hand lines that flutter and pirouette over the over the pulsing rhythmic patterns.”

Norimichi Hirakawa


Any pixel in a digital movie file can be described as a point in 6-dimensional Euclidean space [x,y,R,G,B,t]. the rotations in 6-dimensioal space converts curve in form to gradation in colour, colour to motion in time axis, motion to curve and curve to colour. relations beween all of pixels are mathematically conserved through the conversion.
this visual object is “mathematically” digital colour movie data itself as sequence of numbers. it’s a nature of data.