
Studio Drift

Dutch National Touring Opera’s production of L’Orfeo.
Artist Lonneke Gordijn, together with director Monique Wagenmakers and choreographer Nanine Linning, created a new interpretation of L’Orfeo.
The kinetic sculpture EGO, specially developed for LOrfeo, is a handwoven block controlled by algorithms and motors. The block has the ability to shift its shape and state, embodying Orfeo’s perspectives and thoughts. The oldest opera combined with modern cutting edge technology.

Loris Cecchini

The ineffable Gardener
“Loris nurtures a strong attraction to the composition made by fusing life and art. In his creations, he often includes segments from different scientific fields, for example chemistry and cutting edge technology. Following this philosophical line, one of the main ingredients and vital conceptions in his work is the notion of the organic element. This notion serves to a double purpose, with intention to explore a certain object and his relevance in the material world, but also to emphasize the minimalist approach in art making.”Hugo Hess

Richi Owaki

The Other in You
The Other in You, developed as a new way to experience dance, has realized a novel dance audience experience. We assembled the cutting-edge Computer Graphics, haptic feedback device which directly express the dance to the body, 16 stereophony channels sound and research on Virtual Reality techniques to realize this work. How can we relate to others, who are supposed to be distant from us? Do we really know what it is to “see”? The Other in You is an attempt to revive the notion of our body in relation to an object, a notion, which had been forgotten in the act of watching. Virtual reality technology enables us to bring the act of watching, once detached from the body, back to where it belongs. And as a result, it reconstructs the notion of seeing“.


واين ماكغريغور
웨인 맥그리거
ויין מקגרגור
Уэйн МакГрегор
rAndom International
Wayne McGregor’s anatomy-defying choreography and ground-breaking approach across dance, science, film, music, visual art and technology has fuelled a string of truly unique works. FAR is no exception. Inspired by the controversial Age of Enlightenment, FAR mines an era that first placed ‘a body in question’. Ten incredible dancers confront the distortions, sensuality and feeling of the 18th Century‘s searing contemporary sensibility to a haunting score by the critically-acclaimed composer Ben Frost. Staged in a mesmerizing environment of shadow and light (rAndom International, Lucy Carter), object and film (Moritz Junge, Ravi Deepres), FAR binds cutting edge design with choreography made from a radical cognitive research process.