
ŽIL Julie Vostalová



Phygital way of designing that captures a momentum of transition between digital and physical worlds.
Digital and sustainable fashion with respect to materiality propose no-waste patterning that uses the technique of cut-ups to be assembled into a garment. Inspiration comes from the process of deconstructing historical garments and unexpected assemblage.

Jonna Kina

Arr. for a Scene

“The sonic force of cinema’s most famous murder scene is investigated.Two foley artists recreate Hitchcock’s shower sequence, deconstructing the associations of aural signifiers, and the synesthetic power of sound. Jonna Kina contextualize this uncanny phenomenon — the “trans-sensory” quality of sound – within both Kina’s oeuvre, as well as other historical and contemporary works inside and outside the realm of art. In Arr. for a Scene (2017), Kina explores the structures and forms of cinematic sound – transforming an iconic image — the horrific shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) – into the sonic frequencies of quirky, seemingly innocent, domestic objects.” Melissa Ragona


Trisha Brown

Newark & M.G
La place de Trisha Brown dans l’histoire de la création Outre-Atlantique est unique : après Martha Graham et sa modern dance, Merce Cunningham qui dynamite les codes, Trisha Brown va s’imposer dans un courant, la danse postmodern qui a influencé nombre de chorégraphes actuels. La danse ici est jaillissante, faite de duos de plus en plus complexes avec bien sûr ce jeu des équilibres instables comme autant de coups d’arrêt au geste. Le plus souvent, sous nos yeux, un couple d’interprètes voit surgir un autre tandem dans un incessant jeu de déconstruction des lignes. Des marches, des courses, des dialogues féconds s’instaurent en scène. Newark est pour beaucoup une des grandes pièces de Trisha Brown.

Liu Wa

2020 Got Me Like
As COVID-19 speeds around the world and continues to shut down more cities, people begin to consume Internet culture in order to escape the apocalyptic anxiety in 2020, allowing Internet memes to go viral across the globe. Built upon social media, this work merges everyday sentiments with classical movie scenes to deconstruct the common imagination of “apocalypse” in entertainment industry. The video also incorporates the artist’s footage during protests, turning memes into public commentary and political satire. In this eventful year, meme does more than hijacking and decontextualizing meanings, it has become a form of silent revolt against the absurd.


Felice Varini est un grand maître dans l’art complexe de l’illusion d’optique. Depuis 1979, ce peintre suisse utilise l’architecture comme toile de fond. À partir de relevés, il définit un point de vue à partir duquel la forme, toujours géométrique, pourra être vue dans son ensemble par le spectateur. Lorsque l’on se déplace, une infinité d’autres points de vue se créent pour offrir de multiples lectures de la forme déconstruite.

Neri Oxman

Neri Oxman: Material Ecology


“Vespers is a collection of 15 3-D-printed masks that explore the idea of designing with live biological materials. The collection consists of three distinct series, each reinterpreting the concept of the death mask—traditionally a wax or plaster impression of a corpse’s face. Taken as a whole, the three series form a narrative arc from death to rebirth. In the first series, Oxman and The Mediated Matter Group looked at the death mask as a cultural artifact. Fabricated using an algorithm that deconstructed polyhedral meshes into subdivided surfaces, the masks were 3-D printed with photopolymers, as well as with bismuth, silver, and gold, and rendered in color combinations that recur in religious practices around the world.” Rachel Morón