

Urban imprint
“If there is to be a “new urbanism… it will no longer be concerned with the arrangement of more or less permanent … but for the creation of enabling fields….that refuse to be crystallized into definitive form; it will no longer be about meticulous definitions, the imposition of limits, but about expanding notions, denying boundaries, not about separating and identifying entities, but about discovering hybrids; it will no longer be obsessed with the city but with the manipulation of infrastructure for endless intensifications and diversifications, shortcuts and redistributions – the reinvention of psychological space.”, Dutch architect + Harvard Professor, Koolhaas 959, writer of Delirious New York. URBAN IMPRINT is how we design a piece of this new urbanism, an augmented materiality , as we define it. An environment that is a ‘blank canvas’ to be reshaped by the future self.

Les Astronautes

L’installation a pris place dans la ville de Québec au Canada, elle met en scène des centaines de frites de piscine qui envahissent une allée abandonnée. L’intervention amène et attire le public à découvrir un espace oublié dans la ville. Delirious Frites a été réalisée dans le cadre des Passages Insolites, un festival d’art public organisé par Exmuro.

todd baxter

تود باكستر
owl scouts

Imagina que la perfección formal del cineasta Wes Anderson se combina con el delirio surrealista del pintor Salvador Dalí… en una serie de fotografías. Todd Baxter es un fotógrafo norteamericano que ha logrado condensar el talento de estos dos maestros del cine y la pintura, para contar historias que van de lo tierno a lo grotesco. Sus imágenes son una combinación de distintos elementos reales, manipulados digitalmente para provocar en el espectador una experiencia onírica que, en algunos momentos, podría rayar con el horror.



È stato nominato per ben due volte Erotic Photographer of the Year dall’Erotic Awards UK; spesso ha idee folli, molto più spesso ha idee fortemente e profondamente folli, basta fare un giro nella sua pagina web: è un delirio. Lui è Alva Bernadine e anche se ha un nome che suona a purezza e candore, questi due termini non c’entrano assolutamente niente né con lui né con ciò che fa.