

Sound City
Suspended from the ceiling by two springs and equipped with an oscillating weight fixed inside its body, a Sound City loudspeaker shakes in a disorderly manner in space. The music it plays reacts directly to the movements as if the musicians were inside the loudspeaker and trying in vain to adapt their playing to the turbulences. The originality of the movements comes from the pulsations and interferences produced by the interaction of two coupled harmonic oscillators (the spring and the pendulum) not having the same natural frequency. The two pneumatic jacks to which the springs are attached control the amplitude of the swings.

Vvzela KOOK

Psycho: 6 Symptoms
People’s mental activity often changes with the external environment, normal and abnormal is relative, mutual evolution, mutual migration, and there is no absolute normal and abnormal. Even if the people with healthy mentality mental activities may temporarily appear different levels, duration of varying lengths disorders in a certain situation or a specific period of time. I combined the computer generating and shot in creating this multi-screen audio-visual work. Mainly focusing on changes between six screens and possibility of flow, also designed to allow viewers to produce such “temporary exception” through the resonant stereo sense.