
vadim zakharov

Захаров, Вадим Арисович
danaë installation

Drawing from the perpetually revisited myth of Zeus and Danae, an installation by Vadim Zakharov in the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2013 used consumable objects and the sequence of architectural spaces to make manifest underlying ideas about ‘rudeness, lust, narcissism, demagoguery, falsehood, banality, and greed, cynicism, robbery, speculation, wastefulness, gluttony, seduction, envy, and stupidity.’ the impregation of danae occurs when zeus appears to her as a golden shower after she is locked in a tower to prevent the professed death of her father. gender dynamics and the poetic cycle of gestation are reconstructed spatially with a total use of the pavilion– a first in the history of the building.


Sculptor Barry X. Ball creates unsettling busts and portraits that reference classical sculpture. They are unsettling because he chooses materials (Mexican onyx, lapis lazuli, Italian marble, calcite) with cracks, fissures, and irregularities to give the impression of disfigured faces, skin conditions, or medical anomalies.