
Klaus Obermaier, Kyle McDonald and Daito Manabe


奥地利多媒体艺术家兼编舞克劳斯·奥伯迈尔(Klaus Obermaier)在舞蹈和工艺艺术领域进行不断的实验,与媒体艺术研究中的其他两个参考文献联手,日本人Daito Manabe(现在是该音乐节的常客),而美国的Kyle McDonald也出席了本次艺术节。 Jardin des Plantes的装置Light Leaks。发表演艺术中各种形式的互动,“跨颅”是一项合作研究与创造项目的一部分,在这里,表演是工作的阶段之一。经颅尤其涉及电磁刺激及其对神经元的影响。在外部命令的冲动下(如Face Visualizer中的Daito Manabe所实践的那样),身体和大脑似乎受到功能失调,异常和不良行为的影响,而正是从数字技术中借来的这三个要素是其中一。


真鍋 大 度

One of the new technology projects from the programmer and artist Daito Manabe based in Tokyo, Japan, centres on experimental music performances and connects a person’s face to electric sensors. This innovative system lets you ‘play’ your face like a musical instrument with the help of facial movements that trigger sounds. Electrical stimulation makes a face twitch involuntary, each twitch matches the beat of the music.


Roy Andersson

Songs from the second floor
A man is standing in a subway car, his face dirty with soot. In his right hand he carries a plastic bag with documents, or rather, the charred leftovers of them. In a corridor a man is clinging desperately to the legs of the boss who just fired him. He is screaming: “I’ve been here for thirty years!” In a coffee shop someone is waiting for his father, who just burned his furniture company for insurance money.
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