

Vincent Leroy onthult ‘Tokyo Metacloud’, een gigantische zwevende wolk die door de straten van de japanse metropool trekt. De installatie, bestaande uit dunne gebogen bladen, speelt met de balans tussen materiaal, lucht en transparantie om een ​​indruk van extreme lichtheid te creëren. Nogmaals, het poëtische en contemplatieve universum van Leroy maakt kijkers los van de echte wereld en nodigt hen uit om te genieten van een meeslepende, dromerige ervaring.
Vincent Leroy unveils ‘Tokyo Metacloud’, a gigantic floating cloud that sweeps through the streets of the Japanese metropolis. The installation, consisting of thin curved blades, plays with the balance between material, air and transparency to create an impression of extreme lightness. Again, Leroy’s poetic and contemplative universe detaches viewers from the real world and invites them to enjoy an immersive, dreamlike experience.

Vincent Leroy

Floating Lens
The combination of movement and the reflections of the fresnel lenses, provide an interesting visual experience. When used on the rooftops of Paris, the Haussmanian roofs of the city seem to be seen through a dream. The wind on the lenses lightly distort the surroundings, creating a dream-like environment. Once again, the subtle mix of simple technology and poetic interpretation detach the conscious mind of reality. Leroy compares his project to an intriguing game of fluidity: “everything seems to breathe: no beginning, no end, just a stream.”

vincent leroy


The ‘pebble’, conceived by vincent leroy, occupies a space with an incredible aesthetic experience. This gigantic elliptical mirror floats with utmost grace, softness and voluptuousness, like this example inside the ‘grand palais’ in paris. The installation forms a sensory experience rather than a visual one. With the mirrored effect, the ground and horizon move slowly until they disappear, making you lose your mark. French artist vincent leroy slows down time and displays his magical mechanism, using the same technology as his boreal halo: inflatable with steel cables in slow rotation.