
Ling Li Tseng

Mist Encounter
Mist Encounter is a summer pavilion stands in the large outdoor plaza in front of the Taipei Fine Art Museum. The summer sun and breeze will drift in and animate the scaffold and mesh structure. An indistinct mist will arise from the outer square and draw visitors to come closer. As visitors walk from the outer to inner square, they will be gradually enveloped by the mist, and things will appear and disappear as the mist alternately gets heavier and lighter. The effect will be similar to an experience of passing through a heavy fog in a magical forest.

Edwin van der Heide

Fog Sound Environment
Fog Sound Environment is a site specific installation originally conceived for the foreland of DordtYart located nearby the junction of the three rivers that traverse Dordrecht. In this experiential artwork real fog is being created by pushing water under very high pressure through hundreds of nozzles. The fog system consists of independent sections that surround the foreland. The timing and distribution of the fog is part of a composition system that incorporates the on-site wind direction in real-time. The fog is dispersed across the, by high trees and water enclosed, grassy terrain . The behavior of the fog is under direct influence of the local weather; sun, rain and wind all have their influence on the behavior of the fog and experience of the work.