

“The Breathing Cloud” is a monumental floating organism. The work transforms a space by its motion, light, and rhythmic breathing. With this light art the phrase “let a room come to life” gets a new meaning. The clouds skin looks fragile and soft, and the movements are rhythmic, yet random, so the whole room feels like a living being. The technology is designed so that the strong LED modules and the mechanism support the pervasive breathing. It gets physically bigger and smaller and embraces with its bright light space.


La nuvola che respira
“La nuvola che respira” è un monumentale organismo galleggiante. L’opera trasforma uno spazio con il suo movimento, la luce e la respirazione ritmica. Con questa arte leggera la frase “lascia che una stanza prenda vita” assume un nuovo significato. La pelle delle nuvole sembra fragile e morbida, ei movimenti sono ritmici, ma casuali, quindi l’intera stanza sembra un essere vivente. La tecnologia è progettata in modo che i potenti moduli LED e il meccanismo supportino la respirazione pervasiva. Diventa fisicamente più grande e più piccolo e abbraccia con il suo spazio di luce brillante.


Latent Space
In Latent Space fine lines weave virtual spaces around the viewers. The architecture that manifests is highly fragile — the space grows, shrinks, collapses. The acoustic dimension is also deeply spatial — slowly morphing soundscapes float around the dome, enveloping the observers in sound and image. The omnipresence of the virtual realm is transposed into the physical space of the dome to unmask the often proclaimed boundlessness of digital space. The work tests and investigates the spatial effects of the dome, which serves as a metaphor for the virtual net that always surrounds us.