
Lyota Yagi

Sound Sphere
An installation consisting of cassette tape wound around a spherical object and a device to play its sound. There is no beginning or end to the tape; rather, a small motor randomly moves the sphere as it sits atop the player, producing noise. The work varies in scale from installation to installation. Varying sizes of globes are covered with a length of time that is proportional to their surface area. When linear time is wound around a sphere, it is deprived of the relationship between place and time, and thus also loses its meaning (or in other words, causes meaning to arise).

Claire Williams

Six formes reposent au centre d’un grand disque plat. L’une rappelle les morceaux de silice amorphe produits par l’impact de la foudre sur le sable, les autres semblent pareilles à des méduses, coraux ou algues qui peupleraient des fonds marins dont on ne sait rien. Chacune d’elle est emplie d’une matière-énergie de teinte et de structure à nulle autre égale. Les six formes sont toutes différentes mais elles appartiennent sans aucun doute à la même classe d’objet, la même catégorie de choses. Aux physiciens, elles rappellent les tubes utilisés par Heinrich Geissler pour expérimenter sur le comportement de certains gaz lorsqu’ils sont traversés par des courants électriques. A ceux qui fréquentent les boutiques des musées de sciences, elles rappellent les globes luminescents qui réagissent aux toucher. Aux explorateur des hautes latitudes, elles rappellent les aurores boréales. Elles sont à la fois tout cela et rien de cela.

ingo gunther


The Exosphere has a diameter of 12 m (39’4″), weighs 4.5 tons, and relates to the Earth at a scale of 1:1,000,000. Its blue LED display indicates the geographic location of Wolfsburg, local temperature and time (supplied by the Atomic clock). It is positioned where Wolfsburg would be on this globe, assuming that the bottom of the globe is North and the vertical red display represents the position of the international dateline.

Field of Globes is a permanent installation of ninety World Processor globes. These spheres are readymade acrylic globes altered by the artist to visualize data on a variety of topics. This data comes from myriad sources, including the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and other organizations.


Nives Widauer

Global Globes

“..In Global Globes (2011), Widauer has collected over 290 globes of all different sizes, years of manufacture and locations and geopolitical variation, putting them together into a mosaic-like map of the world. Global Globes is conceptually designed by the artist as a floor installation, so that the best place to see it is via a live circuit camera installed high above the ‘globe world map’..”



Eartha, the world’s largest rotating and revolving globe, is located within the headquarters of the DeLorme mapping corporation in Yarmouth, Maine. The globe weighs approximately 5,600 pounds (2,500 kg), and has a diameter of over 41 feet (12.5 m). This gives it a scale of 1:1,000,000, on which one inch represents 16 miles (26 km), one millimeter represents one kilometer. As with most globes, it’s mounted at a 23.5 degree angle, the same axial tilt as the Earth itself; thus the equator is diagonal to the floor. It uses a cantilever mount with two motors, and simulates one day’s revolution and rotation every hour, though it is possible for the motors to fully rotate the globe in as little as one minute.