

#define Moon_
[#define Moon_ ] consists of 9 rotating kinect light installations. It presents different postures of moon shape, exerting new sense experiences. The audience is allowed to explore through various ways of looking and bring curiosity to the installation by watching from different angles. By thinking of the science spirit, once again, viewer can define and understand the concept of this work of their own.


#definieer maan_
[#define Moon_ ] bestaat uit 9 roterende kinect lichtinstallaties. Het presenteert verschillende houdingen van maanvorm, waardoor nieuwe zintuiglijke ervaringen worden uitgeoefend. Het publiek mag op verschillende manieren kijken en nieuwsgierig maken naar de installatie door vanuit verschillende hoeken te kijken. Door opnieuw aan de wetenschappelijke geest te denken, kan de kijker het concept van dit eigen werk definiëren en begrijpen.


Fountain with Red
Stainless steel, water pump, red liquid, urethane paint. Ujoo+limheeyoung is the husband and wife team of media artists Ujoo and Limheeyoung. Since first working together in 2004 in preparation for design competition, they have been involved in projects that use a variety of means of visual expression – kinect expression sculpture, drawings, real-time interactive videos – to address the theme of absurdity of reality.