

Lienzo blanco
“CoCoLab se involucra en el área de lenguajes de programación. Proporcionamos marcos para el análisis y la transformación de programas. Nuestra tecnología se basa en el know-how de la construcción de compiladores. Los marcos contienen analizadores y preprocesadores que convierten el código fuente en árboles de sintaxis abstracta y tablas de símbolos. Estas estructuras de datos son la base del análisis y la transformación de programas “.


White Canvas
“CoCoLab engages in the area of programming languages. We provide frameworks for the analysis and the transformation of programs. Our technology is based on know-how from compiler construction. The frameworks contain parsers and preprocessors which convert source code to abstract syntax trees and symbol tables. These data structures are the foundation of program analysis and program transformation.”

Jon Kessler

존 케슬 러

With his chaotic kinetic installations, Jon Kessler critiques our image-obsessed surveillance-dominated world. His machines are at once complex and lumbering, combining mechanical know-how with kitschy materials and images.


精美雕塑艺术 非常设计师网
The work of Laurent Craste lies at the crossroads of two mediums, participating in the world of visual arts, but never stepping beyond its borders. Ceramics, linked by tradition to crafts, requires a technical knowledge and know-how so restrictive that artists are prompted to remain within canonical forms, never pushing their limits. Video art, the recent avatar of the moving image, does not always acknowledge its main ancestor, cinema. The innovative aspect of this work is the combination of the two mediums with the addition of humorous or dramatic short stories, encompassing an autobiographical element that never descends to self-righteousness.