
QUBIT AI: Dennis Schöneberg


FILE 2024 | Interator – Sound Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival

Dennis Schöneberg – N-DRA – Germany

Created during the pandemicN-DRA is a video that explores the nostalgia of pre-pandemic times. Through a dreamlike and psychedelic journey through the artist’s memories, it reflects feelings of loneliness, isolation and the desire for connection.


Dennis Schöneberg, German AI artist, data science student and developer of open source AI models, integrates his passion for electronic music into his creative endeavors. Merging art with technology, he explores the synergy between creativity and artificial intelligence.


Music: N-DRA by Ricardo Villalobos

Wayne Mcgregor

Directed by British fashion photographer Nick Knight of SHOWStudio, Torus is a film on human connection and loneliness featuring choreography by Wayne McGregor and styling by Norwegian designer Fredik Tjærandsen. Performed by Company Wayne McGregor, Torus shows dancers wearing inflatable balloons designed by Tjærandsen, orbiting in darkness as isolated entities, occasionally lit as they transition through a temporal universe, a mirror to the life that many are only passing through, barely connecting.

Bernardi Roig

Mallorcan artist Bernardi Roig (b. 1965) installs six sculptural works in unexpected interior and exterior spaces, challenging visitors to rethink the definition of the museum. Roig draws parallels between his and Honoré Daumier’s works, both of which offer poignant social commentary. Roig addresses the existential dualities of entrapment and liberation, blinding and illumination, absence and presence. Typical of the artist’s work are the cruel-looking white plaster figures cast from real people, often cornered or crushed against walls or twisting in pain. By including the element of light—whether a single light bulb, neon tubes, or fluorescent lights—Roig’s work blends minimalist forms with highly charged expressions of anxiety and loneliness.

Rufus Wainwright

Sword of Damocles

At a lavish banquet, King Dionysius is confronted by his servant Damocles – a brat who is jealous of the king’s splendor and power. Through supernatural forces, the two roles are switched. The smug, inexperienced commoner becomes the king. But his joy is short-lived.
He quickly realizes that being king isn’t all crowns and cheeseburgers. With great power comes great responsibility.
The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
To the authorities

Raise kindness
Above all else
Avoid the books of
Hatred behind the shelves

I will caress your
Caress your curly hair
With affection
Many a good reason to cut off your head
Then and then

The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
I’m begging
You on my knees

There is no reason
To hide it from the sun
I am a tyrant
Trust me, you are not the one and only
And trust me, you are not the one and only
And trust me, you are not the one and only
Lonely person

The Sword of Damocles
The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
Cut the thread
Why don’t you please



Расширенный отпуск
Расширенный отпуск продемонстрировал огромный потенциал технологии AR, которая обеспечивает виртуальную перспективу в реальном мире и передает озорной юмор KAWS посредством сопоставления физического и виртуального миров. Эти виртуальные скульптуры были доступны через приложение Acute Art, и их можно было увидеть вместе с эксклюзивной выставкой NGV KAWS: Companionship in the Age of Loneliness, всеобъемлющим обзором 25-летнего творчества KAWS и его крупнейшим индивидуальным опросом на сегодняшний день. На выставке, наполненной юмором, надеждой и человечностью, было представлено более 100 работ, в том числе культовые картины, отображающие фигуры поп-культуры в более поздних масштабных многослойных работах, а также впечатляющая коллекция знаменитых скульптурных фигур KAWS.


Expanded Holiday
Expanded Holiday demonstrated the enormous potential of AR technology, which provides virtual perspectives on real-world environments, and conveys KAWS’s mischievous humour through the juxtaposition of physical and virtual worlds. These virtual sculptures were accessible via the Acute Art app and could be experienced in conjunction with the NGV’s exclusive exhibition KAWS: Companionship in the Age of Loneliness, a comprehensive survey of 25 years of KAWS’s oeuvre and his largest solo survey to date. Full of humour, hope and humanity, the exhibition featured more than 100 works including iconic paintings reappropriating pop-culture figures to more recent largescale, layered works, and an impressive collection of KAWS’s celebrated sculptural figures.

lucy mcrae

compression cradle
Lucy McRae is a visionary artist from Australia that has periodically had films in ASVOFF. Compression Cradle is a futuristic approach to preparing the self for a future that assumes a lack of human touch and the machine affectionately squeezes the body with a sequence of aerated volumes that hold you tight. As McRae envisions it the mechanical touch may be an antidote for today’s ‘forever connectedness’, a behaviour that’s triggered a lonely disconnection with ourselves.


oh, dear
Her pictures describe oniric situations, enchanted, sometimes spooky, but always with a touch of glam. In applaying different photo techniques as mirrored images, photo overlapping, refined photo processing, Elle Moss depicts lonely worlds, often autobiographical, almost exclusively feminine, in which all the characters tell feelings about suspension and alienation, entering into undefined space-time dimensions.


Gray Nightmares
Grey Nightmares” is the name of a personal collection in which different subjects have been studied, the ones I have been involved in for the last couple of years. The subjects include, loneliness, death, nihility, downfall, pain, wait … though the main characters of this collection are the people who are looking for a way out of their limbo so that it can be a relief for them.


Самуэль Сальседо
사무엘 살 세도
In Samuel Salcedo art irony mixes with the great sympathy to the humans. His realistically made sculptures show ridiculous, funny and some times touching heroes often show nuked. Despite of the small scale, Samuel’s works truly and deeply show all the complex of the human loneliness and confusion.


Roland Emmerich
In 1994, Egyptologist and linguist Daniel Jackson, Ph.D., is invited by Catherine Langford to translate Egyptian hieroglyphs on cover stones, also known as casing stones, that her father had unearthed in Giza, Egypt, in 1928. Jackson is taken to a U.S. Air Force installation and told by its commander, Special Operations Colonel Jack O’Neil, that the project is classified information. Jackson determines that the hieroglyphs refer to a “stargate” which uses constellations as spatial coordinates. On this revelation, Jackson is shown that the base has this Stargate, also discovered by Langford’s father. They use Jackson’s coordinates to align the Stargate’s metal ring with markings along its outside, and once all seven are locked in, a wormhole opens, connecting the Stargate with a distant planet. Jackson joins O’Neil and his team, consisting of Reilly, Porro, Freeman, Brown, Ferretti, and Kawalsky, as they pass through the wormhole.


Джузеппе Рандаццо
stone fields (Using computer algorithms)

This project has started from a search for a 3d-objects optimal packing algorithm over a surface, but evolved in something rather different. I love the work by Richard Long, from which this project takes its cue. The way he fills lonely landscapes with arcaic stones patterns and its eroic artistic practice, in his monumental vision, is in strong contrast with this computational approach that – ironically – allows virtual stones creation and sorting in a non physical, mental way, a ‘lazy’ version, so to speak. The virtual stones created from several fractal subdivision strategies, find their proper position within the circle, with a trial and error hierarchical algorithm. A mix of attractors and scalar fields (some with Perlin noise) drives the density and size of the stones. The code is a C++ console application that outputs a OBJ 3d file.


ديفيد ويلسون
דיוויד וילסון
Let Go est le nom du dernier clip du groupe The Japanese Popstars, réalisé par David Wilson et produit par Serena Noorani et Tamsin Glasson, du studio londonien Colonel Blimp. La vidéo s’est achevée en septembre, après 20 jours de travail intense. La répétition présente dans la musique a ouvert l’espace pour une animation psychédélique, et le thème (lâcher prise) semble avoir guidé le processus de création du clip, qui se développe comme une association libre de pensées. Les illustrations sont de Keaton Henson.


The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey Soundtrack
00:00:00 – My Dear Frodo
00:06:58 – Old Friends
00:12:18 – An Unexpected Party
00:16:00 – Axe or Sword?
00:21:56 – Misty Mountains
00:23:30 – The Adventure Begins
00:25:28 – The World is Ahead
00:27:37 – An Ancient Enemy
00:32:28 – Radagast the Brown
00:37:13 – Roast Mutton
00:40:50 – A Troll-hoard
00:43:43 – The Hill of Sorcery
00:47:28 – Warg-scouts
00:50:25 – The Hidden Valley
00:54:10 – Moon Runes
00:57:24 – The Defiler
00:58:32 – The White Council
01:05:48 – Over Hill
01:09:22 – A Thunder Battle
01:13:11 – Under Hill
01:15:00 – Riddles in the Dark
01:20:15 – Brass Buttons
01:27:50 – Out of the Frying-Pan
01:33:40 – A Good Omen
01:39:20 – Song of the Lonely Mountain
01:43:22 – Dreaming of Bag End


دينيس أوبنهايم
데니스 오펜하임
Деннис Оппенгейм

Reading Position for Second Degree Burn

“Reading position for second degree burn”, an experiment in which he sunbathed for five hours with a book on his torso. The Time, The Sun, the Light and the Book titled Tactics: Vol II, Cavalry Artillery, by German Colonel Balck: Would it be the Enlightenment of Iron and Fire? Is it the culture that marks our bodies as we mark horses? Or just a book that Dennis took to the beach and asleep forgot about his body?