



Décrivant son travail comme « une fusion de différentes influences absorbées depuis des années », l’artiste tire principalement ses inspirations des peintures et sculptures du XXIe siècle. Travaillées et colorées, ses œuvres humoristiques, cyniques et ironiques sont une véritable mise en scène du quotidien. Amateur de la juxtaposition et de ses manipulations virtuelles, l’artiste-sculpteur d’images, fait entrer le spectateur dans un tourbillon imaginaire façonné par sa main.

Sarah Oppenheimer

Sarah Oppenheimer’s work explores how individual and collective action can shape the spaces we inhabit. A master of architectural manipulations, her work is interactive, psychological, performative, and at its heart, deeply social.

Martin Messier

Performance audiovisuelle en plusieurs tableaux, Echo Chamber s’inspire des technologies qui permettent de sonder l’intérieur du corps, telles que les ultrasons et l’acupuncture, générant une composition sonore dans laquelle l’idée de résonance prédomine. En créant une interface modulaire à trois panneaux permettant de multiples manipulations, Messier a défini les limites des possibilités d’exécution d’une chorégraphie son et lumière. Saisissez de longues aiguilles comme s’il s’agissait de notes d’un instrument, perçant une plaque sensible à l’audio qui déclenche des séquences sonores.


Frederik Heyman and Wout Bosschaert

For MOMU3, Frederik Heyman creates, in collaboration with graphic artist Wout Bosschaert, 3 fashion films in which he infuses the rich collection of the ModeMuseum with digital life by using 3D scans and manipulations.


MOMU3 では、フレデリック ヘイマンがグラフィック アーティストの Wout Bosschaert と協力して、3D デジタル化と操作を使用して ModeMuseum の膨大なコレクションにデジタル ライフをもたらす 3 つのファッション映画を制作しました。



Until I die
This installation operates on unique batteries that generate electricity using my blood. The electric current produced by the batteries powers a small electronic algorithmic synth module. This module creates generative sound composition that plays via a small speaker. The blood used in the installation was stored up gradually over 18 months. The conservation included a number of manipulations to preserve the blood’s chemical composition, color, homogeneity and sterility to avoid bacterial contamination. The total amount of blood conserved was around 4.5 liters; it was then diluted to yield 7 liters, the amount required for the installation. The blood was diluted with distilled water and preservatives such as sodium citrate, antibiotics, antifungal agents, glucose, glycerol etc. The last portion of blood (200ml) was drawn from my arm during the performance presentation, shortly before the launch of the installation.

Sanja Marusic

Dutch-Croatian photographer Sanja Marušić uses an experimental approach to colour, composition, materials, and manipulations in her work to create dreamlike scenes that are at once cinematic and alienating.She travels the world in her production of these otherworldly images, finding settings and forms that play with our relation to the subconscious, simplifying the bodies of her subjects with geometric shapes, and abstracting the human form even further by incorporating stylised dance movements.Putting places above people, many of Sanja’s photographs are set in wide open futuristic spaces in an attempt to create surreal and alienating visual emotions. She often uses cool and bright colours as well as singular objects and accessories in order to create unique and enigmatic narratives.


Филиппа Рамета

Philippe Ramette est à la fois un artiste contemporain et photographe. Ce dernier se passionne pour les changements d’horizons et les manipulations photographiques sans l’aide de logiciel de retouche



Hugh Kretschmer is a professional digital artist and photographer from Los Angeles. He started photography at the age of 13 under the guidance of his father. His imagination and conceptual thinking is showcased beautifully through surreal photo manipulations. Hugh is specialized in advertising, photo illustration, editorial photography and design.

Desiree Dolron

In her ‘Xteriors’ series (2001 – the present), Desiree Dolron reveals her devotion to art history by giving her anonymous models a hint of a resemblance to the works of the Flemish Primitives and Johannes Vermeer. In images which, thanks to her control of light and subtle digital manipulations, hardly look like photographs at all, she produces a masterly approximation of the serenity and sense of mystery with which these painters imbued their work.more