
Doug Wheeler

Luz, volume, escala, desorientação, infinitude, ilusão e realidade: estes os vetores da arte da luz como praticada por Doug Wheeler no contexto de um movimento ao mesmo tempo minimalista nos materiais físicos da obra e maximalista quanto à amplitude de sensações provocadas. “Luz e espaço” é o título de uma tendência reunindo artistas em torno interessados na luz surgida na Califórnia nos anos 1960. Piloto de aviões, Doug Wheeler anotou as sensações estimulantes e desnorteantes do vôo; de modo análogo, suas obras “desestabilizam nosso sentido de equilíbrio e nos levam a mover-nos em compasso com a Terra na direção de um horizonte inalcançável”. Outro modo de dizer a mesma coisa é destacar que Doug Wheeler busca a experiência do sublime.

Studio Drift

Concrete Storm
On first impression, visitors experience solid forms, which draw on minimalist motifs and underscore the stable properties of concrete. While wearing the HoloLens, viewers enter a mixed reality, enlivened by responsive holograms that augment the physical environment of the installation. With Concrete Storm, DRIFT explores the layer between the parallel worlds, whereby the real and the virtual worlds co-exist. People’s attention is now constantly divided between these two worlds in which they coexist. The artists believe that combining these two seemingly separate worlds they can study the unlimited possibilities of the unstoppable evolution. Concrete Storm expands the boundaries of the digital world, freed from screens, and integrated into the fabric of physical existence.

Regine Schumann

colormirror dornbirn
Regine Schumann is a minimalist artist who works with Light Art, initially inspired by Color Field Painting and artists as Mark Rothko, Donald Judd and Dan Flavin. Schumann’s boxes and installations are made of acrylic colour plates especially produced for her. Her work is more than just Concrete Art. Conceptualized as emotive spaces, Schumann’s colour– lled light rooms provoke intense feelings of something otherworldly. Her minimalistic approach affects everything from her choice of materials to the way she plays with form and colour.