
Morphing Matter Lab

Printed Paper Actuator
“Printed Paper Actuator is the project that achieves a low cost, reversible and electrical actuation and sensing method. This method that requires simple and easy fabrication steps enables our paper actuator to achieve different types of motion and even various electrical sensing abilities: touch sensing, slider, and self-bending-angle detection. We introduce a software tool that assists the design, simulation, and printing toolpath generation.” Morphing Matter Lab

Coralie Vogelaar

infinite posture dataset

She moves by endlessly morphing to the rhythm of the device – strapped in the frame of the screen – following or giving instructions; part human, part machine. The design of the device is inspired by a gadget to cheat the step-counter on your smartphone. Technology tricked by technology. Her movements, caught within a motion capture like tight suit deconstructing her body parts, talk of complex and conflicting emotions, but her face, from which we usually read how someone is feeling, is hidden. But is the machine that is observing her deconstructed and re-sequenced postures actually capable of recognizing what the body is communicating? Are we?


Lumières relationnelles
Lumières relationnelles» est une installation audiovisuelle interactive qui explore la relation des personnes avec le caractère organique-expressif de «l’espace». L’installation utilise la lumière, le son, le brouillard et un système logiciel personnalisé pour créer un espace-lumière en trois dimensions morphing (métamorphose), dans lequel les spectateurs participent activement, le manipulant avec leur présence et leurs mouvements […] un organisme vivant, avec ou sans la présence et l’interaction des spectateurs. Lorsque les spectateurs quittent la zone de suivi active, le système commence son propre dialogue avec l’espace en extrudant et en transformant des séquences de formes géométriques lumineuses. Lorsque les spectateurs pénètrent et interagissent avec l’espace-lumière projeté, une expression collective et participative de l’espace se déploie. «Relational Lights» élargit le tissu tridimensionnel de l’espace, le rendant visible, audible et tangible pour les participants.

Max Cooper

Morphosis uses artificial neural networks to create morphing images of scale. The system explores how natural structures from the most tiny to the most huge, share aesthetic properties, as recognized by the trained network, and recreated in continuous flowing sequence via these connections. It’s a study of the seemingly infinite nature of space and natural physical structure, which can loop back on itself to give endless visual exploration and variation.


Latent Space
In Latent Space fine lines weave virtual spaces around the viewers. The architecture that manifests is highly fragile — the space grows, shrinks, collapses. The acoustic dimension is also deeply spatial — slowly morphing soundscapes float around the dome, enveloping the observers in sound and image. The omnipresence of the virtual realm is transposed into the physical space of the dome to unmask the often proclaimed boundlessness of digital space. The work tests and investigates the spatial effects of the dome, which serves as a metaphor for the virtual net that always surrounds us.

Sara Ludy

cloud pond

“Ludy’s toxic cloud shapes are featured more predominantly in this room, morphing into figures that look bacterial. They are both meditative and threatening as they swell and heave with no identifiable pattern. Ludy’s works are also surrounded by digital frames adding a classical sophistication to her contemporary digital pictures.” Shauna Jean Doherty


Inverso Mundus
The title of the work, Inverso – both an Italian “reverse, the opposite” and the Old Italian “poetry,” and Mundus – the Latin “world,” hints at a reinterpretation of reality, a poetic vision. In our interpretation, the absurdist scenes from the medieval carnival appear as episodes of contemporary life in a multichannel video installation. Characters act out scenes of absurd social utopias and exchange masks, morphing from beggars to rich men, from policemen to thieves. Metrosexual street-cleaners are showering the city with refuse. Female inquisitors torture men on IKEA-style structures. Children and seniors are fighting in a kickboxing match. Inverso Mundus is a world where chimeras are pets and the Apocalypse is entertainment.


Captives is an ongoing series of digital and physical sculptures by Quayola and a contemporary homage to Michelangelo’s unfinished series “Prigioni” (1513-1534) and his technique of “non-finito”. The project explores tensions and equilibrium between form and matter, man-made objects of perfection and complex, chaotic forms of nature. In this series mathematical functions and processes describe computer-generated geological formations, endlessly evolving and morphing into classical figures resulting into life-size ‘unfinished’ sculptures.

Milena Naef

Milena Naef questions ‘existing’ structures that are inherent to herself. The work tries to create the right manifestation of the assumed duality between body and mind. She translates characteristics of a subjective experience into material, transforming the mental into physical to find a new relation between the two. Once tangible, the interaction with the concrete material allows for a space to ‘open’ in which a given context can be changed. The body itself with its physical presence and its absence becomes a vital aspect of the work.


Kamila Gawronska-Kasperska’s collections have stretched the boundaries of Fashion. Her inspiration was drawn from the films Metropolis and Sky Captain. The unique fashion photography by Tomek Slupski, Maciej Boryna and Bartek Sejwa, accentuates the bold geometry of her collections. The city is the backdrop of this stylish, urban and elegant collection, the morphing of fashion and architecture. Black and white with strokes of red are the main colours of her canvas used to experiment with form and fabric processing.


Tobias Hutzler is an inventive photographer/filmmaker who presents familiar subjects in striking new ways, with a focus on documenting and portraying contemporary American culture.
As an image maker Tobias captures the pulse of our constantly moving and morphing culture. He has been called “visionary” by AD Magazine and “one of the most exciting new artists working in photography.” He is based in New York.


Эрнесто Клар
Luzes Relacionais
File Festival
“Luzes Relacionais” (Relational Lights) é uma instalação interativa audiovisual que explora a relação das pessoas com o caráter orgânico-expressivo do “espaço”. A instalação usa luz, som, neblina e um sistema de software customizado para criar um espaço-luz tridimensional de morphing (metamorfose), em que os espectadores participam ativamente, manipulando-o com sua presença e seus movimentos[…] A obra funciona como um organismo vivo, com ou sem a presença e a interação dos espectadores. Quando os espectadores saem da área de rastreamento ativo, o sistema começa seu próprio diálogo com o espaço através de extrusão e transformação de sequências de formas geométricas luminosas. Quando os espectadores penetram e interagem com o espaço-luz projetado, uma expressão coletiva e participativa do espaço se desdobra. “Luzes Relacionais” amplia o tecido tridimensional do espaço, tornando-o visível, audível e tangível aos participantes.

Robert Henke

a complete new version, the result of performing Lumière for more than one year, condensed into a more sophisticated, more complex, more fragile, more massive synaesthetic experience! photos and more info online in early February.Based on self written software, this work on the edge of concert and site specific installation finds previously unseen beauty and minimalistic elegance in a commonly underrated medium. High power lasers draw complex morphing shapes and connect points in space. Lumière combines precise geometric figures with floating organic structures, presenting the archaic sign language of an alien culture communicating via emerging and disappearing traces of extremely bright light.Percussive and textural sonic events provide a counterpoint to the visual rhythm, resulting in a multi sensorial experience which at times is fragile and quiet, at others massive and overwhelming. Each Lumière performance is a unique and site specific real time exploration of synchronicity and divergence, of light and darkness at the limits of perception.

William Forsythe

ויליאם פורסיית
윌리엄 포사이드
Swinging Pendulum

Suspended from automated grids, more than 400 pendulums are activated to initiate a sweeping 15 part counterpoint of tempi, spacial juxtaposition and gradients of centrifugal force which offers the spectator a constantly morphing labyrinth of significant complexity. The spectators
are free to attempt a navigation this statistically unpredictable environment, but are requested to avoid coming in contact with any of the swinging pendulums. This task, which automatically initiates and alerts the spectators innate predictive faculties, produces a lively choreography of manifold and intricate avoidance strategies.


File Festival

The initial idea was to engage audiences with the classical paintings. The installation tries to transform the classical portraits into memorable and playful experiences. In short, by looking into a mirror a face of participant is captured by the system. Next, the captured face travels into one of the classical portraits. Hence, the viewer is invited into the gallery in order to recognize him or herself in one of the paintings. In other words, the art piece replaces the original painted faces by the faces of the audience. To be more specific, the authors have created an original face-morphing that integrates itself into the well-know portraits, like Meninas by Goya. To put in a nutshell, the common experience of modern art is replaced by a novel, playful and enjoyable encounter. The installation creates a framework of expression where audience spontaneously and freely interact in front of a mirror knowing that they are recorded. The results are experience by all audience in the gallery. The project was produced in 2011 as a commission of interactive art project for the new City Council of Madrid curated by Chema Conesa. “Videomaton” was presented in the opening of new City Council of Madrid located in the Cibeles square. The installation was exhibited for a year in the institution. The aim of the exhibit was displaying the famous art pieces of Madrid museums in a novel way.


Capacities Life in the Emergent City

“Capacities Life In The Emergent City” captures the changes over time in the environment (city) and represents the changing life and complexity of space as an emergent artwork. Capacities goes beyond simple single user interaction to monitor and survey in real time the whole city and entirely represent the complexities of the real time city as a shifting morphing and complex system. What you see is a sculpture which represents the emergent properties of the environment where the sensor network is situated.