
Joanie Lemercier and James Ginzburg

L’artiste Joanie Lemercier, spécialiste des arts audiovisuels, a INSTALLÉ au SAT de Montréal (Society for Arts and Technology), des oeuvres visuelles et auditives immersives qui surplombent et entourent les spectateurs à 360°. Pour réaliser celles-ci, il a utilisé la technologie numérique, des lasers et appareils de projection. L’exposition « Nimbes » dure une quinzaine de minutes, et guide le spectateur à travers un univers virtuel parsemé de constellations, de paysages naturels et d’immeubles qui s’effondrent. C’est le fruit d’un travail considérable, qui mêle savamment photographies et images de synthèse.


The Weather War
Bigert & Bergström is an artist duo living and working in Stockholm, Sweden. They met while at the art academy in Stockholm in 1986 and have collaborated ever since. Through their career B&B have produced and created art ranging from large-scale installations to public works, sculptures and film projects. Often with a conceptual edge, the core of their work is placed right in the junction between humanity, nature and technology. With energetic curiosity their art investigate scientific and social topics discussed in contemporary society.