
Christoph De Boeck


The intimate topography of the brain is laid out across a grid of 80 steel ceiling tiles as a spatialized form of tapping. The visitor can experience the dynamics of his cognitive self by fitting a wireless EEG interface on his head, that allows him to walk under the acoustic representation of his own brain waves.The accumulating resonances of impacted steel sheets generates penetrating overtones. The spatial distribution of impact and the overlapping of reverberations create a very physical soundspace to house an intangible stream of consciousness.‘Staalhemel’ (‘steel sky’, 2009) articulates the contradictory relationship we entertain with our own nervous system. Neurological feedback makes that the cognitive focus is repeatedly interrupted by the representation of this focus. Concentrated thinking attempts to portray itself in a space that is reshaped by thinking itself nearly every split second.


Герда Штайнер и Йорг Ленцлингер
The vegetative nervous system
“在精致的怪异和生态问题之间的边界上,艺术家夫妇Gerda Steiner和JörgLenzlinger重塑了异质和诗意的本质。 通过他们的作品传播而产生的梦幻般的魅力将近乎迷幻的甜美与淡淡的犬儒主义混为一谈。 他们从每个展览地点以及世界各地的无数旅行中收集各种物品。 通过将天然(植物和晶体)和人造材料(例如电线,计算机屏幕,儿童玩偶,圣诞球,塑料恐龙等)整合在一起,它们增加了视觉效果和美感。 两位艺术家将他们的想象力编织成一个时髦而幽默的生物多样性。 自然王国和人工供应之间的分离受到干扰,而有利于有机和分散的设施。”