

Due grandi fogli di plastica trasparente e un dispositivo che aspira gradualmente l’aria tra di loro lasciano il corpo (in questo caso l’artista stesso) confezionato sottovuoto e sospeso verticalmente. Il tubo trasparente inserito tra le due superfici permette alla persona all’interno dell’impianto di regolare il flusso d’aria. Come risultato della crescente pressione tra i fogli di plastica, la superficie del corpo imballato si congela gradualmente in più micro pieghe. Per tutta la durata dello spettacolo, la persona all’interno si muove lentamente e cambia posizione, che varia da una posizione quasi embrionale a una che assomiglia a un corpo crocifisso.


Wenn auf könnte kein Observatorium, auf wird von einem Stück Derire sprechen, einem Raum, der nicht die Möglichkeit hätte, ein oder zwei Personen zu sein. Kein Besucher, der Besucher, befindet sich in der Mitte eines transparenten Zylinders und drückt auf einen Knopf zu einer. Triggerknopf, der dann bei sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit einen Wirbelwind der kleinen Bulks von Polystyrol flattern lässt, der zu schnell ist, um vom verdrängten menschlichen Auge verfolgt zu werden. Die Person, die sich für den Tornado (Hut). Der Tornado arbeitet mit 5 Brutto Fan. Eine Situation unter dem Betrachter und 4 andere um den Zylinder.


File Festival
Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces allows the person inside the installation to regulate the air flow. As a result of the increasing pressure between the plastic sheets, the surface of the packed body gradually freezes into multiple micro-folds. For the duration of the performance, the person inside moves slowly and changes positions, which vary from an almost embryonic position to one resembling a crucified body.

Ziv Schneider

Over the past 50 years, the number of people in the average household has fallen drastically. For the first time in Western world history, the one-person household has become a dominant mode of living. In Manhattan, more than half of all homes have one occupant. For Watertight, we documented 12 New Yorkers and their home interiors with a 3D scanner. We used the Skanect software’s “watertight” function and a 3D printer to create a series of miniature portraits—egg-shaped sculptures the size of a hand. The series of portraits offers a cross-section of a contemporary demographic phenomenon, a form of present-day archaeology.