
Maria Guta and Adrian Ganea


Performance & live computer generated simulation

A postmodern fairytale, Cyberia takes place somewhere in a cold distant East, stretching between and endless imaginary realm and a vast physical space. It is a westwards journey towards a promised future with no arrival and no return. There is no here or there, only a twilight zone between a departure point and a simulated destination. Between digital video projections and a physical setting, using the mechanics of a video-game engine with a motion capture suit, Cyberia is the simulation of an endless pre-climax state where a performer and a CG avatar dance as one to the rhythms of an imaginary West. In a world oversaturated by digital data –mysticism and paranormal are as popular as ever. Emerging technologies are increasingly incorporated in a form of postmodern spiritualism, as Arthur C. Clarke points out: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Lamberto Teotino ir dzimis Romā, un 2002. gadā absolvēja Venēcijas Mākslas akadēmiju. Viņš ir specializējies vizuālajā mākslā un viņa darbi pārsvarā balstās uz attēlu pētīšanu. Pēta valodas attīstību padziļināšanos, lai to pielāgotu jauniem tehniskajiem instrumentiem. Pēc Teotino uzskatiem, objekta pētīšana piedāvā konceptuālu iznākumu, kura vienā pusē atrodas vēsturiskās un psiholoģiskās īpatnības, bet otrā pusē – zinātne. Tāpat pēta arī cilvēku sociālos un paranormālos aspektus.

matthew day jackson

ماثيو اليوم جاكسون
Мэтью Джексон день
axis mundi

Matthew Day Jackson creates all-encompassing works in a wide range of media that make connections between seemingly disparate themes and narratives, from Impressionist painting to the surface of the moon; art history to rap music; nuclear testing to paranormal activity. Jackson’s work also addresses his theory of the “Horriful,” the belief that everything one does has the potential to evoke both beauty and horror at the same time.

Susan Hiller

Psi Girls
Psi Girls is a video installation composed of five scenes from feature films depicting girls or young women manipulating telekinetic powers to move or destroy household objects. Hiller selected short excerpts from The Fury (1978) directed by Brian de Palma, The Craft (1996) by Andrew Fleming, Matilda (1996) by Danny De Vito, Firestarter (1984) by Mark Lester, and Stalker (1979) by Andrei Tarkovsky. Each excerpt has been enlarged, tinted with a different colour, and heavily edited by Hiller. Certain scenes have been slowed down and others spliced and looped so that each clip has an identical running time of two minutes. The only footage presented in its entirety is that taken from Tarkovsky’s film Stalker. The scenes are synchronised and play simultaneously along a single wall. Psi Girls was commissioned by the Delfina Foundation, London, in 1999. The word ‘Psi’ in the title refers to paranormal or psychic faculties.