
Michael Burk & Ann-Katrin Krenz.

Parasitic / Symbiotic
In the project “Parasitic / Symbiotic” this area of tension between nature and technology is addressed. A scenario is created in which the human being makes use of a technical device, that is sitting like a parasite on a tree. It contains a milling machine, which moves along a tree to carve encoded text into it. For the content of the carving a poem from romanticism („Abschied.“ von Joseph von Eichendorff) is used, which expresses the natural thoughts of unity and oneness and depicts the relation of nature and culture.

Simon Christoph Krenn

Parasitic endeavours
El problema de manipular el cuerpo humano está en el asco. Si coges cabezas y torsos y los unes en una amalgama gelatinosa, obtienes un vídeo de Simon Christoph Krenn. Crea bodegones horripilantes, partes de cuerpos que se funden unas con otras, monstruos complejos a los que aplica nuevas fuerzas de la gravedad hasta que rebotan y toman el carácter de la viscosidad, parecen hechos de goma.