
Ei Wada

Toki Ori Ori Nasu – Falling Records


In this work, open reel tape recorders are placed on top of high pedestals and, as they play back, the magnetic tape unspools down into plastic receptacle below. The tape that accumulates in the container piles up as time passes, weaving an unusual pattern in the space. When the tape stops accumulating it is wound back up at high speed to a symphonic soundtrack. The pattern that had existed until then is extinguished and a new pattern is then woven.


O bezerro de ouro
Esta obra é constituída por um pedestal sobre o qual se encontra um monitor LCD a cores ligado a máquinas informáticas por um cabo que passa pelo pedestal. O espectador desta obra segura este monitor em suas mãos. A tela mostra uma representação do pedestal com uma imagem gerada por computador de um bezerro de ouro no topo. Ao mover o monitor em torno do pedestal real, o visualizador pode examinar este bezerro de ouro de cima, abaixo e de todos os lados. Assim, o monitor funciona como uma janela que revela um corpo virtual aparentemente localizado fisicamente no espaço real.

Matt Kenyon

Мэтт Кеньон
مات كينيون
매트 케년

In Supermajor, a rack of vintage oil cans sits innocuously on the gallery floor. A punctured can, located somewhere mid-stack, has sprung a leak. The oil flows out in a steady trickle, cascading onto the pedestal below; a golden-brown pool forms at its base. Upon closer inspection, however, the oil is not originating from the can. Instead, its stream is reversed. Drop-by-drop the oil flows upwards, defying gravity. At times, droplets even appear to hover in mid-air. Returning to its source, the upward ascent of oil continues uninterrupted as if neither the can’s reserves of the nor the puddle’s can ever be depleted.


Camphor Flame on Pedestal
Michael Bühler-Rose’s practices on multiple platforms influence his production as an artist. He has described his subjects as “theatrical cultural realities” and “feats of representation through place and displacement.” Bühler-Rose uses western painting styles: still lifes, landscapes, portraits, to play with previous political notions of Hindu and Indic aesthetics: representations of gods and goddesses, incense, flowers, or the saris or bharatnaytam outfits worn by young women of European descent who live in a Hindu community in Florida.

Erwin Wurm

ארווין וורם

Erwin Wurm, one of Austria’s most important and internationally famous sculptors, has been preoccupied with expanding the concept of sculpture since the 1980s. Wurm is primarily a sculptor, and traditional sculptural concerns such as the relationship between object and pedestal, the function of gravity, the fixing of form, and the manipulation of volume, play through all his work.
Increasing, remodeling or removing volume, the habitual interests of many sculptors, are given a new twist in Wurm’s work. Volume and adding volume are treated as sociocrital issues. In 1993, Erwin Wurm wrote an instructional book on how to gain two clothing sizes in eight days. Eight years later, he made his first Fat Car by plumping up an existing car with styrofoam and fiberglass, which resulted in a pitiful, chubby version of the original sportsy model. By taking the question of obesity, Wurm probes the link between power, wealth and body weight. He also wants to offer a sharp criticism of our current value system, as the advertising world demands us to stay thin but to consume more and more.

Winy Maas and Rob Nijsse

The Pixel Power

A investigação, cujos resultados foram apresentados nesta exposição, centrou-se na procura de novos princípios de organização de grandes estruturas, exemplificada com um edifício alto. Foi realizado por manipulações sistemáticas das correlações entre as esferas pública e privada, respectivamente representadas de forma abstrata pelo pixel fechado e ‘o pixel aberto’. Essas transformações exploraram diferentes hierarquias possíveis, entre os pixels abertos e fechados, bem como as partes e o todo, questionando aspectos como a redução dos espaços públicos ao átrio do céu e ao pedestal, o domínio do núcleo ou a repetição dos pisos . Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos com a premissa de que seus resultados devem permanecer abstratos, binários e mensuráveis. Eles trataram apenas das inter-relações entre aberto, fechado, vazio e cheio. A tarefa não definiu nenhum programa específico, nem objetivou a realização de um projeto elaborado. Os resultados podem ser entendidos como um conjunto de Nolli Maps tridimensionais de cidades inexistentes, representações de realidades urbanas complexas, que articulam relações entre espaços cheios e vazios – neste caso volumes. O uso do tijolo LEGO como ferramenta de modelagem permitiu medir os volumes e estimar sua capacidade de facilitar um projeto arquitetônico potencial. Fornecendo um esboço válido para uma elaboração posterior das relações exploradas em uma proposta de design.

Camille Henrot

Endangered Species
Best-known for her videos and animated films combining drawn art, music and occasionally scratched or reworked cinematic images, Camille Henrot’s work blurs the traditionally hierarchical categories of art history. Her recent work, adapted into the diverse media of sculpture, drawing, photography and, as always, film, considers the fascination with the “other” and “elsewhere” in terms of both geography and sexuality. This fascination is reflected in popular modern myths that have inspired her, such as King Kong and Frankenstein. The artist’s impure, hybrid objects cast doubt upon the linear and partitioned transcription of Western history and highlight its borrowings and grey areas. In the series of sculptures Endangered Species, for example, the artist has created objects inspired by African art by using pieces from car engines; placed on tall pedestals, these slender silhouettes with zoomorphic allure make reference to the migration of symbols and forms as well as to the economic circulation of objects. This survival of the past, full of misunderstandings, shifts and projections (as shown in the slideshow Egyptomania, the film Cynopolis, drawings of the Sphinx, and even in the photographs of prehistoric flints) troubles cultural codes and conventions. In this way, Camille Henrot’s work questions mental resistances and the past’s resonance, whether it be drawn from myth or from reality.


Do You Remember When?

The hole and exposed earth of Do You Remember When? becomes a spiritual, cultural and physical portal – a point of transformation between worlds – from which emerges an Indigenous worldview engaging a discourse on sustainability. The block of concrete on the pedestal – the foundation of the institution constructed on top of tribal lands – functions as a trophy celebrating Indigenous intervention in opposition to a Western scientific worldview. The closed-circuit audio broadcast of a Pee Posh social dance song performed by the collective provides the psychosocial soundtrack of the transformation process. The work shifts the sustainability from a focus dominated by Western science to a balanced approach inclusive of Indigenous knowledge systems.


Клер Морган
كلير مورجان
클레어 모건
A primera vista, estos objetos parecen estar en movimiento. Objetos que dan la sensación de caerse como en el caso de la manta fresa. La escultura de Belfast, Claire Morgan utiliza objetos naturales como plumas, frutas y flores que deja suspendidos de hilos de nylon obteniendo sensaciones de ingravidez o de parada del tiempo.


The Golden Calf

This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows a representation of the pedestal with a computer-generated image of a golden calf on top. By moving the monitor around the actual pedestal the viewer can examine this golden calf from above and below and all sides. Thus the monitor functions like a window that reveals a virtual body apparently located physically in the real space.