
robert seidel

The nine virtual sculptures underlying vitreous resulted from experimental setups by Robert Seidel for generating three-dimensional clusters of fibrous refractions, as well as the gravitational lensing of different volumetric and chromatic densities. Singular elements gravitate towards each other, accumulating in a gigantic sculptural system, where each entity exists with its own visual axis and vanishing point. The impalpable luminous formations create prismatic interactions between the ridges and plateaux of the main colours floating in front of the infinite violet background.

mourad merzouki

“Pour cette nouvelle création, je désire aborder un nouvel espace, celui de la verticalité. À travers un dispositif proposé par la compagnie Retouramont et Benjamin Lebreton, et accompagné d’une dizaine de danseurs au plateau je me confronterai à un environnement où le mouvement se joue de la gravité.”more

haris epaminonda

le plateau
The exhibition at le plateau marks an important and new step in Epaminonda’s practice, which, as the title suggests, shall be seen as one large work building up over time through different volumes and chapters. For this occasion the artist has devised an extensive environment that occupies the cleared spaces of le plateau with a series of cubicles, platforms and screens conceived both as sculptures and presentation devices. Including other elements, films and sound—the soundscapes of the installation will be composed by the music duo “Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides”, with whom the artist often collaborated in the past—, the whole set exceeds the exhibition space itself with parallel and temporary appearances connecting the inside and outside of le plateau. Like an emphatic homage to the Japanese filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu, these performed interventions shape a kind of inhabited archipelago in constant evolution.