

The work fulfills Huang’s childhood dream of having a robot dance partner and required development from scratch.  After learning the mechanics of the industrial KUKA robot, he conceptualized the movements and programmed the machine to create the partner he wanted.   He says of the experience, “Dancing face to face with a robot is like looking at my own face in a mirror… I think I have found the key to spin human emotions into robots.” It was developed into a full-length piece with two additional dancers as part of 3-Legged Dog Art & Technology Center‘s Artist Residency program and their 3LD/3D+ program.

Dragan Ilic


With the machine programed to draw, the robot becomes a medium for interaction and for “symbiosis” with the artist, creating a kind of “hybrid body” of man and machine, whose nervous system and brain waves administer “software commands” to the robot during the drawing performance. A key actor in the exhibition will be the new model of the KUKA KR 210 robot, that has a multi-functioning performative role: from drawing, experimental dance, music – through the production of industrial sound, and a six channel video projection that documents Ilić’s projects.

Sougwen Chung

Drawing Operations
Sougwen Chung is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary artist, who uses hand-draw and computer-generated marks to address the closeness between person-to-person and person-to- machine communication. She is a former researcher at MIT Media Lab and current Artist in Resident at Bell Labs and New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Her speculative critical practice spans installation, sculpture, still image, drawing, and performance. Drawing Operations Unit: Generation 1 is the 1st stage of an ongoing study of human and robotic interaction as an artistic collaboration.

Aidan Meller

Ai-Da est le premier artiste ultra-réaliste au monde. Elle dessine en utilisant des caméras dans ses yeux, ses algorithmes d’IA et son bras robotique. Créée en février 2019, elle a eu sa première exposition solo à l’Université d’Oxford, « Unsecured Futures », où son art a encouragé les téléspectateurs à réfléchir à notre monde en évolution rapide. Depuis, elle a voyagé et exposé des œuvres à l’échelle internationale, et a eu sa première exposition dans un grand musée, le Design Museum, en 2021. Elle continue de créer de l’art qui remet en question nos notions de créativité dans une ère post-humaniste.

Achim Menges and Jan Knippers

Maison Fibre

Maison Fiber è un’idea inedita, esposta ed esplorata per immaginare un’alternativa ai metodi di progettazione e costruzione. Qual è il futuro dell’architettura? Come possono gli esseri umani adattarsi e vivere in habitat armoniosi? Una visione sostenibile è stata esposta alla 17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – La Biennale di Venezia 2021, un portale futuristico è stato esposto come approccio alternativo alla progettazione e costruzione di futuri spazi abitabili.
University of Stuttgart, Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) ve Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) tarafından Bienal’in bu seneki temasına yanıt niteliğinde tasarlanan proje, tamamen robotik olarak, lifli yapı elemanlarından üretilmiş bir yaşam birimi.
Maison Fibre is a novel idea, exhibited and explored to envision an alternative to the methods of design and construction. What is the future of architecture? How can humans adapt and live in harmonious habitats? A sustainable vision was exhibited at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2021, a futuristic gateway was exposed as an alternative approach to the design and construction of future habitable spaces.

Tod Machover

Death and the Powers

Science fiction and poignant family drama combine in one of the most stunning, cutting-edge operas of the 21st century, with a libretto by former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, coming to the stage of the Winspear Opera House in a production directed by Diane Paulus, designed by Alex McDowell (Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report) and conducted by Nicole Paiement (TDO’s The Lighthouse).This visually spectacular robot pageant by MIT Media Lab’s Tod Machover tells the story of a terminally ill billionaire, sung by Robert Orth, who downloads his consciousness into “the System” and proceeds to use all his powers to persuade his loved ones to join him there. Without bodies, without the possibility of touch, sex, suffering, and death — are we still genuinely human?Explore these existential questions and much more in a piece Variety described as “playful, lyrical and…mesmerizing.” Also starring Joélle Harvey as Miranda, Patricia Risley as Evvy, and Hal Cazalet in his Dallas Opera debut as Nicholas.