

Ich, mein Selfie und ich
Katja ist inspiriert vom Einfluss der alltäglichen digitalen Technologien auf die Gesellschaft und damit von den aufkommenden Fragen nach der Identität unseres menschlichen Körpers. Sie verbindet die alltägliche Technologie, den Körper der Tänzer und die Präsenz des Publikums zu unkonventionellen Darbietungen. Wer bewegt wen?

Katja Heitmann

Me, My Selfie and I
Katja is inspired by the influence of everydays’ digital technologies on society and with that the arising questions about the identity of our human body. She fuses everydays’ technology, the dancers’ body and the presence of the audience into unconventional performances. Who moves who?


Installation touches on the themes of selfie-culture, and the fear of permanently losing the digital records of our lives due to technical failures, impermanence of data storage, or simply because of the obsolescence of the old digital file formats. Even with such compulsive overproduction of the images of ourselves we might end up with nothing but the blank memories of our past. Even the data on ourselves will eventually fade away… The installation consist of the display that prompts you to take a selfie on your phone, which it renders in digital particles on its large 1×1 meter screen. Then a moment later, your face scatters and falls apart and the real black gravel starts to fall at the bottom of the screen in perfect synchrony with the digital simulation. Gradually a dark mound builds up at the foot of the construction.