
Sun Yuan and Peng Yu

Can’t Help Myself
Constructed of a Kuka industrial robot arm, ‘Can’t Help Myself’ is programmed to do one thing: contain a viscous, deep-red liquid within a fixed area. When the blood-like substance pools too much, this activates the robot’s sensors causing the arm to swivel, flex, and shovel the liquid back to the center leaving splashes and smudges in its wake.


Body Paint
File Festival

The interaction is simple, movement creates paint. Hidden in the simplicity are layers of subtle details. Different aspects of the motion: size, speed, acceleration, curvature, all have an effect on the outcome: strokes, splashes, drips, spirals; and is left up to the users to play and discover. The installation is designed to work with any number of people and is scalable to cover small or large areas. While the installation is suitable for a single user, when multiple users are present a new dynamic emerges. A user-to-user interaction is born when the audience starts playing with each other via the installation, throwing virtual paint on each other, trying to complete or destroy each other’s paintings.


Cod Steaks are a world-class design and construction company, specialising in set building, props, scale models, exhibition fit-out, interactives, product design and public artworks.


OLNETOP has something monstrous, a hybrid shape in which one can recognize various elements. The work is not clearly defined but points in different directions. The imagery used is clearly inspired by macro photographic images of splashing water, and thus sculpturally interprets the encounter between nature and technology.