
Alan Warburton

Late capitalist networked culture is obsessed with improving performance. TED speakers are cult idols, sharing their commandments for success and productivity. On social networks our friends become brands, and brands become our friends. Self-help books are interchangeable with business philosophies. In the conference room – and the weekend supplements – we learn how to shape ourselves, how to be consistent, how to operate. Reduce entropy. Maximise consistency. Become an industry of one. You are an engine. One day you’ll fly away.

Michael Candy

Synthetic Pollenizer
The Synthetic Pollenizer project Intervenes in real-world ecological systems using robotic flowers to Integrate in the reproductive cycle of local flora, these imitations offer a manufactured nectar supplement while attaching locally harvested pollen to bees.

Carsten Nicolai

reflektor distortion

The installation reflektor distortion – conceived as a rotating, water-filled basin – is inspired by the shape of a parabolic mirror that ‚rotates‘ water via centrifugal force. The work consists of the three main components mirror, reflection and distortion. Both curve and distortion of the water surface is affected by speed and integrated resistors that generate a permanently new and re-organizing mirror reflection. The water surface will be supplementary distorted via speaker by resonating low sound frequencies. The function of the mirror is hereby eminent: The mirror surface is the medium that reveals reality as distorted reflection. Rising the question of the observed and the real image the installation plays with the artist’s thesis that we all have a permanent distorted perception of reality.

Erik Söderberg

Erik Söderberg

Début 2011, j’explorais les relations de la géométrie, de la nature et de l’être humain dans une série de 25 images que j’ai appelées «Expérience fractale». Il s’agit de la deuxième partie – poursuivre l’exploration des formes géométriques, des motifs et des fractales avec un élément supplémentaire: l’espace-temps. Cette fois, j’ai travaillé en 3D et produit un ensemble de gifs en boucle animés.
J’ai limité chaque animation à 48 images au maximum, la plupart se situent entre 10 et 15 images – pour garder la taille du fichier petite et maximiser la créativité avec ces images.


Untitled Kinetic Sculpture #2
The old train station, having itself become a contemporary art museum, presents another kinetic sculpture within the exhibition dedicated to Cory Arcangel: “Untitled Kinetic Sculpture #2”. It is majestic and almost as banal as it is intriguing. Banal because it is composed of two columns of shelves on rollers and intriguing because these literally dance, synchronised in their bending. It takes a bit of time to get used to the work. The time needed to convince oneself that it is not an hallucinatory vision but shelves very much like every day ones, except for the fact that they are not inert. Powered by electricity, they are animated by perpetual undulatory movements that sublimate them while conferring upon them their status as a work of art. Though made of metal, they seem as supple and graceful as dancers and almost fragile, but with a regularity that is entirely robotic.