
clement valla

Valla claimed to have collected a series of 60 “surrealistic” images, or that, at least, give that impression, during a long period “playing” in Google Earth.“The images are a kind of mirrors for a fun house.They are strange illusions and reflections of the real ”Despite the strong distortions, which easily resemble a surrealist painting, the images of the work do not have any manipulation of tools like Photoshop, for example.”The images are screenshots of Earth with basic color adjustments”, “This is a construction of 3D maps on two-dimensional bases, creating these fabulous and unintended distortions”.

Le Fawnhawk

Modern Desert Magic
Petecia Le Fawnhawk is a modern surrealist whose body of work is a meditation in form as monuments juxtaposed against minimal and ethereal desert landscapes. In placing elemental shapes in a vast dreamscape, Petecia strips away the unnecessary in an attempt to reveal truth in the mysterious and magisterial.

Sanja Marusic

Red Yellow Blue

Plaçant des lieux au-dessus des gens, de nombreuses photographies de Sanja sont placées dans de grands espaces futuristes ouverts dans le but de créer des émotions visuelles surréalistes et aliénantes. Elle utilise souvent des couleurs fraîches et vives, ainsi que des objets et accessoires uniques pour créer des récits uniques et énigmatiques.


Wang & Söderström

Wang & Söderström is a Copenhagen based transdisciplinary duo composed of Swedish designer Anny Wang and architect Tim Söderström. The bridging of the physical and digital realms is a major theme in their practice and they are constantly trying to challenge the boundaries between them. Fluctuating between art and design, Wang & Söderström wants to throw out pre-existing conventions regarding the digital and put emphasis on the emotional and tactile side of materials, objects and textures to give the digital a more human-relatable quality and create more meaningful connections. “By 3D scanning elements from nature, like tree trunks, leaves and plants and mixing it with surrealistic materials and behaviors, we wanted to let them continue to grow in a digital environment.”

Daniel Arsham

다니엘 아샴
Connecting Time
‘Connecting Time’ is a survey show with works spanning Arsham’s entire career. Included are four at first glance ‘conventional’ architectural interventions that subtly manipulate the physical environment to create surrealistic settings. Fitness gear and objects rooted in pop culture are presented in eroded form as though excavated from some archaeological site, while swaddled animalistic figures recall the work of Christo or Man Ray, but with a playful, childlike twist.

Jacob Taekker

Apophenia Cloud Travel Apparatus
“…a visitor must first gear up in a simple uniform of gray booties, lab coat and adjust a safety-helmet-type harness to their head. This harness supports a grey rectangle of plastic positioned directly in front of one’s face, leaving only the periphery vision for navigation. My first assumption was that this blockage was somehow supposed to simulate an unusual visual disability. However, upon entering the designated darkened room, my ‘screen,’ caught the projection of a giant eye, which filled my vision like some early surrealist film.” Sarrita Hunn

Adam Martinakis

Ses œuvres me semblent trop interconnectées, elles se concentrent principalement sur les thèmes du corps, son rapport avec la vie, la mort et la sexualité à l’ère numérique. Générées par ordinateur, ces sculptures numériques ont un caractère photoréaliste et surréaliste, qui selon lui est «un mélange de futurisme post-fantastique et de symbolisme abstrait». Bárbara Anjos


Our friends at PetPunk in Vilnius, Lithuania have created this surrealistic ride through a digital arboreal world in their short film “Woos”. Designed by Gediminas Å iaulys, animated by Andrius Kirvela, the project was commissioned by Computer Arts Magazine and is featured in (and on the cover of) their recent issue #172. Sound by Huma-Huma.

todd baxter

تود باكستر
owl scouts

Imagina que la perfección formal del cineasta Wes Anderson se combina con el delirio surrealista del pintor Salvador Dalí… en una serie de fotografías. Todd Baxter es un fotógrafo norteamericano que ha logrado condensar el talento de estos dos maestros del cine y la pintura, para contar historias que van de lo tierno a lo grotesco. Sus imágenes son una combinación de distintos elementos reales, manipulados digitalmente para provocar en el espectador una experiencia onírica que, en algunos momentos, podría rayar con el horror.

ruud van empel

루드 반 엠펠
Analogy #1

Sua montagens fotográficas, belas, perturbadoras e polêmicas, tem um forte apelo surrealista e chegam a ser confundidas com pinturas, tamanha a riqueza de cores e contrastes, conseguidos através da utilização de um papel especial chamado Cibachrome, o qual intensifica a definição, a cor e o brilho das fotos. O processo utilizado por Ruud, consiste em tirar fotos dos modelos em estúdio e posteriormente inserir as paisagens nas fotos.


Клементу Валла
Postcards from Google Earth
Valla behauptete, eine Reihe von 60 “surrealistischen” Bildern gesammelt zu haben, oder die zumindest diesen Eindruck während eines langen “Spielens” in Google Earth erwecken. “Die Bilder sind eine Art Spiegel für ein lustiges Haus. Sie sind es.” seltsame Illusionen und Reflexionen des Realen “Trotz der starken Verzerrungen, die leicht einem surrealistischen Gemälde ähneln, können die Bilder der Arbeit keine Werkzeuge wie beispielsweise Photoshop manipulieren.” Die Bilder sind Screenshots der Erde mit grundlegenden Farbanpassungen. ” “Dies ist eine Konstruktion von 3D-Karten auf zweidimensionaler Basis, die diese fabelhaften und unbeabsichtigten Verzerrungen erzeugt.”


“Hannes Van Severen makes the connection between reality and imagination in his work. The artist starts with an existing, everyday object, usually a piece of furniture, which he then transforms and changes. In this way, he deprives the object of its original functionality and allows its aesthetic value to prevail. As a result, the original usefulness of the everyday object no longer predominates, but his work nevertheless continues to be a visual reference to the original. With this paradoxical construction, Hannes Van Severen creates a fictitious world of images with alternative, intrinsic meanings and potential. The observer has to let go of the explanatory and allow his or her imagination to take flight. In combination with the personal experience of the observer, a richer dimension of the reality experienced will emerge with the new reading and interpretation of things that are apparently obvious. With this transformation, Van Severen wants to break down our recognition, to question the obviousness of our reality, and to show us the absurdity that surrounds us. Like the cubists and the surrealists, the artist divides into pieces and rearranges  an existing reality, which means that he can be described as a saboteur of the obvious.” Stef Van Bellingen