

El largo ahora
Una pompa de jabón generalmente permanece estable solo por unos momentos: es una esfera perfectamente formada con una superficie iridiscente que refleja su entorno. Como uno de los símbolos clásicos de la vanitas, la pompa de jabón representa tradicionalmente la fugacidad del momento y la fragilidad de la vida. THE LONG NOW aborda la pompa de jabón desde una perspectiva contemporánea, con referencia a sus propiedades químicas y físicas, así como a los recientes avances científicos y tecnológicos. THE LONG NOW tiene como objetivo extender la vida útil de una pompa de jabón, o incluso preservarla para siempre. Usando una fórmula mejorada, una máquina genera una burbuja, la envía a una cámara con una atmósfera controlada y la mantiene en suspensión el mayor tiempo posible. El proyecto se presenta bajo la forma de un montaje experimental en el que la pompa de jabón recién creada oscila permanentemente entre la fragilidad y la estabilidad.

Verena Friedrich

A soap bubble usually remains stable for only a few moments – it is a perfectly formed sphere with an iridescent surface that reflects its surroundings. As one of the classical vanitas symbols the soap bubble traditionally stands for the transience of the moment and the fragility of life. THE LONG NOW approaches the soap bubble from a contemporary perspective – with reference to its chemical and physical properties as well as recent scientific and technological developments. THE LONG NOW is aimed at extending the lifespan of a soap bubble, or even to preserve it forever. Using an improved formula, a machine generates a bubble, sends it to a chamber with a controlled atmosphere and keeps it there in suspension for as long as possible. The project is presented in the form of an experimental set-up in which the newly created soap bubble oscillates permanently between fragility and stability.

Clouds Architecture Office

The project is a partnership between ANA Holdings Inc. and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); a part of AVATAR X, a collaborative program for the advancement of space exploration and development. ANA and JAXA are both experts at launching vehicles into the atmosphere, the feeling of suspension or ‘being in the air’ is natural for both entities. The AVATAR X Lab Building is designed as a suspended building floating above a moon-like crater. The multi-story structure floats eighteen meters above the crater bottom, and is accessible by a bridge. When astronauts board a spacecraft they cross a bridge; when we board a plane we walk across a jet bridge between the terminal and airplane. This is our last contact with familiar ground before taking off for someplace new. The suspended building embodies this crossing of thresholds: after passing over the bridge you are transported to a new place, the AVATAR X Lab Building, where technological innovation will change how we see the world.