
Jennifer Rubell

Ivanka Vacuuming
In Ivanka Vacuuming (2019), een voorstelling bedacht door kunstenaar Jennifer Rubell, worden kijkers uitgenodigd om broodkruimels te gooien op het pad van een overtuigende Trump-look-alike, waarbij ze voortdurend een puinhoop maken die ze nooit kan opruimen.

Haruhiko Kawagushi

Flesh love all
I want to express love through my work. Because everything in the world is based on love[…] Based on such an idea, I started a project to vacuum pack a couple and everything around with a landscape. Not only a couple who loves each other but also everything around them is vacuum-packed, and eventually the whole landscape is vacuum-packed, creating an image where everything in the world is one existence. The shooting location is the most important place for them. The things you love will be one, and the world will be one. I think that is an ideal form of love. In order to participate in this project, you need to be ready for death and love next to you, and I need to be prepared for it too.

lucy mcrae

future dayspa
The Future Day Spa is a personlised, physiological experience delivering controlled vacuum pressure to the body replicating the feeling of being hugged. Guided by a therapist, participants hand their bodies over to a part–human, part–machine process inducing a state of relaxation. A collaboration between Qualcomm’s Inventor Lab, we integrated technologies for capturing biometric data to understand the physiological benefits of a treatment.