
Ying Yu


Humans, as social beings, use language to communicate. The human voice, as a biometric authentication mechanism, is constantly used throughout daily life applications, such as speech recognition, speaker verification, and so on. Currently, language-based communications mainly fall into two categories: voice over air, and voice over internet protocol. Can we add a new dimension for voice communication such as a wearable material? If so, how could we shape matter in order to physicalize vocal information?

airMorphologiesis an interactive installation that uses soft materials, such as silicon, fabric, and air, to realize these physicalizations. The human voice controls the actuation of a soft wearable structure, changing the appearance of the human body.


Skin Sucka

A project conceived with Clive van Heerden, Jack Mama (Philips Design Probes) and Bart Hess, Skinsucka explores a vision of our nano technology future whereby bio technology and robotics come together to question our attitudes of a synthetic future. Skinsucka reveals a future where microbal robots live in our shared spaces and autonomously they will undertake menial tasks such as cleaning our homes by eating the dirt. ‘Skinsuckas’ clean the skin, removing the vestiges of make up and providing the remedies to combat the excesses of the night before They swarm over the body extruding metabolized household dirt, dressing the body in a daily ritual of real time, customized manufacture – yesterday’s discarded clothing ready for recycling.” Clive and Jack’s work has consistently brought very diverse skills together in new innovation processes. In the late 1990’s they took designers and other creative skills into Philips Research labs in the Redhill, London and New York and created a specialist studio in London to develop the skills, materials and technologies for a host of Wearable Electronic business propositions in the areas of electronic apparel, conductive textiles, physical gaming, medical monitoring and entertainment.


Smoke Dress
Fellow designer, Valerie Lamontagne, writes: “SMOKE DRESS is a collaboration between fashiontech designer Anouk Wipprecht [NL] and technologist Aduen Darriba [NL]. The dress is a wireless and wearable tangible couture “smoke screen” imbued with the ability to suddenly visually obliterate itself through the excretion of a cloud of smoke. Ambient clouds of smoke are created when the dress detects a visitor approaching, thus camouflaging itself within it’s own materiality. The SMOKE DRESS, with its loose net of metallic threads and electrical wire, works at the scale of the magical illusionists trick, permitting a hypothetical magician’s assistant to perform her own disappearing act.


wearable sculptures
Wearable Structures materialize our daily struggle between control and chaos. The balance is precarious and can tip one way or another in an instant. Building materials traditionally used to construct living environments or other architectural securities are used in a frenetic fashion.

sam o’brien

An interpretation of the textures of Iceland’s landscape, using synthetic and artificial materials to make the unnatural appear natural in the eyes of the ignorant. Paired with a silhouette inspired by the saturnian symbolism of the cube, these clothes journey from a literal, compromising analysis of the three dimensional cube to a broken down and wearable analysis of the two dimensional cube, the hexagon.


Insides Evening Cape
Hannah Soukup brings a multidimensional approach to apparel design by combining traditional and unconventional techniques using innovative materials and technologies to transform ideas into provocative, and intriguing wearable experiences. She is a futuristic thinker and passionate ideator with her process deeply rooted in material research and experimentation, evolving ideas through draping and sculpting on the body to bring to life intimate interactions with the garments and realities.


Wearable Sculpture
He designs with meticulous attention to detail and longing for newness. Leather and wool are still his favourite materials. To get the effect of surprise he juxtaposes these two traditional materials with others, perhaps not typically associated with the textile industry. An important part of his design process is treating natural and synthetic fabrics with various methods, using heat, chemicals or other techniques, thus combining innovation and tradition.


wearable solar

There is nothing natural in nature; technology makes our humanness giving form to our surroundings. The human habitat reveals a techno-morphed structure that can no longer be hidden behind the vestiges of a natural world: technology has to be naturalized. Pauline van Dongen researches the body in a technologically textured space. After graduating from ArtEZ, Academy of the Arts in Arnhem, the Netherlands, she started her own womenswear label in 2010. Pauline operates a meticulous research of the behaviour of experimental and high-tech materials, combining new technologies with traditional techniques to constantly renovate craftsmanship. Working closely with companies from the field of science and innovation, Pauline aims to merge fashion and technology giving life to scientific creations.


Wearable Structure: Head Organized

As estruturas vestíveis materializam nossa luta diária entre o controle e o caos. O equilíbrio é precário e pode tombar para um lado ou para o outro em um instante. Os materiais de construção tradicionalmente usados para construir ambientes residenciais ou outras garantias arquitetônicas são usados de forma frenética. Rapidamente, e talvez desesperadamente tentando impor ordem a uma situação que está saindo do controle. O papel tradicional de estrutura ou estabilidade torna-se móvel quando colocado na figura, permitindo ao indivíduo entrar na ilusão de estabilidade. O elemento móvel / vestível da obra subverte ainda mais as tentativas de controle e ordem. Semelhante à maneira como a água abrirá um novo caminho em torno de uma obstrução, o participante encontra novas maneiras de se movimentar em suas rotinas diárias de maneira normal.