Alain Sechas

Dying Centaur 2.0
polyester et robotique
They do look alike, for Alain Séchas’centaur is made of white polyester, from the moulds made for the bronze versions of Bourdelle’s scuplture. It’s not called Dying Centaur but Rêve Brisé (Broken Dream). Broken dream of a creature not only half human, half animal but half human, half god too.So every fifteen minutes, after light has come on the white centaur, it starts slowly collapsing.It comes more and more to pieces as it falls.And at the end of the process, its head bangs against the ground.But after a while, it starts rising from the dead.And then light fades out, and fifteen minutes later, the centaur dies and comes back to (still) life.