Grupa Sędzia Główny

Hommage à Zofia Kulik
The group Sedzia Glowny (Chief Judge)—Karolina Wiktor and Aleksandra Kubiak—has radicalized the Polish performance-art scene. Since 2001, this unusual duo has been pushing the limits of human exhaustion to the further point of serious health conditions. By treading difficult paths, and striking the most disturbing and confusing chords, they have explored the sensual and psychological phenomena with their audiences, which include perversion, cruelty and masochism. They have tested the boundaries of gender roles under extreme conditions, experimented with games and role-playing between genders, as well as with the pleasures and responsibilities that come with power. The exhibition documents, reconstructs and closes the first stage of their activities, interrupted by Karolina Wiktor’s serious illness—the stage after which, as the artists themselves admit, the group will never be the same again.