

Александра Беллиссимо

the Illusionist

source: harryneelam

Alexandra Bellissimo offers a banquet of delights – a series of self-portraits into which she uses collages elements of nature – shrubs, bushes, trees, tree roots, birds to create fascinating human + nature images that have you staring.
I have never been a great fan of collages, because they are not often done well.
But in Alexandra’s work, the effect is awesome – and she’s almost converted me. I wouldn’t mind having some of her work on my walls. And, because of her, I might actually seek out other collage artists in the future.

She was born and raised in the Los Angeles area and attended the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. where she received her BFA in photography. Her body of work strongly revolves around the theory of “making” pictures instead of simply, “taking” pictures. She executes her visual intentions through incorporating traditional collaging techniques, as well as digital manipulation to each surreal photograph. As she says on her website she “… has always been motivated towards the creation of unique imagery”.

She is rather new on the scene having graduated relatively recently – here’s a video of her graduation on Vimeo but she already shows a maturity of concept, wit and aesthetics making her one to watch.
source: blogartflakes

Los Angeles-based Alexandra Bellissimo creates beautiful images by incorperating collaging techniques as well as digital manipulation. As a conceptual photographer, for her it’s all about the theory of “making” pictures instead of simply, “taking” pictures. The results are beautiful and unique!
source: kulturologia

Фотохудожница из Лос-Анджелеса Александра Беллиссимо (Alexandra Bellissimo) не ограничивается обычными черно-белыми снимками. Ее фотоколлажи рассказывают о странных созданиях – полулюдях-полудеревьях и напоминают о том, что все мы связаны с природой: просто у кого-то ветер в голове, а у кого-то – лес. Впрочем, дело не только в природе. Можно сказать, что персонажи Александры Беллиссимо думают по-разному. Получеловек получеловеку рознь. Чьи-то суждения растут из одного корня, разветвляясь и срастаясь, а у кого-то каждая мысль свободна, как птица: вылетит – не поймаешь.