
Alexandre Singh

Alexandre Singh  the humans

source: taste

Alexandre Singh nasceu em 1980. Ele vive e trabalha em Nova Iorque. Seu trabalho abrange mídia, incluindo numerosas esculturas, performance e desenho. Sua obra explora a consciência humana com influências que vão desde Lovecraft a Molière, de romance gótico à pesquisa científica. A escrita é fundamental para o seu trabalho, muitas vezes apresentada através de uma performance ao vivo usando projetores e transparências. O resultado é uma atmosfera que combina realidade com ficção.
source: galerieartconcept

Alexandre Singh is born in 1980 in Bordeaux. He lives and works in New York. His work is present, among others, by the following institutions: Centre National des Arts Plastiques, France; Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Exhibitions : Assembly Instructions : The Pledge, Drawing Center, NY (2013); The Humans, Witte de With, Rotterdam (2012-2013); Assembly Instructions : The Pledge, Art:Concept, Paris & Monitor, Rome (2011); La Critique de l’Ecole des objets, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2011). Prix : Prix Meurice pour l’Art Contemporain, Paris, 2012; Rema Hort Mann Visual Grant, New York, 2009; Arts Council of England Grant, East International, Norwich; Art Gallery, Norwich, Royaume Uni, 2007.

Alexandre Singh enjoys mixing sources and heterogeneous tales favouring analogies and the emergence of a new reality and arborescence. His texts, performances, plays and installations carry with them references ranging from Ikea catalogues to the Essays of Montaigne, H.P Lovecraft, Walt Disney, scientific imagery, Cicero and Aristophanes, without any thought for hierarchy. The spectator is invited to make his way through this twisting universe and to create indefinable links in order to freely construct his own narrative. From words, references and ideas developed in the course of his interviews, readings, etc… the artist visually renders the meanings that he extrapolates, thus favouring multiple interpretations.
source: galerieartconcept

Alexandre Singh est né en 1980 à Bordeaux. Il vit et travaille à New York. Son travail est présent dans les collections suivantes : Centre National des Arts Plastiques, France; Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Expositions : Assembly Instructions : The Pledge, Drawing Center, NY (2013); The Humans, Witte de With, Rotterdam (2012-2013); Assembly Instructions : The Pledge, Art:Concept, Paris & Monitor, Rome (2011); La Critique de l’Ecole des objets, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2011). Prix : Prix Meurice pour l’Art Contemporain, Paris, 2012; Rema Hort Mann Visual Grant, New York, 2009; Arts Council of England Grant, East International, Norwich; Art Gallery, Norwich, Royaume Uni, 2007.

Alexandre Singh se plaît à entremêler sources et récits hétéroclites favorisant les analogies et l’émergence d’une nouvelle réalité en arborescence. Ses textes, performances, pièces de théâtre ou installations charrient des références allant des catalogues Ikea aux Essais de Montaigne en passant par H.P Lovecraft, Walt Disney, l’imagerie scientifique, Cicéron et Aristophane, sans hiérarchie. Le spectateur est invité à se frayer un passage au sein de cet univers en circonvolutions et à créer des liens indéfinis, afin de construire librement sa propre narration. A partir de mots, de références et d’idées développées lors de ces entretiens, ces lectures, etc…l’artiste rend visuellement les significations qu’il extrapole de manière à favoriser une multiplicité de lectures. (Elia Biezunski)