alexey kondakov
Алексей Кондаков
2 Reality
source: zupicombr
Imagine só a seguinte cena: você está no metrô e, de repente, personagens de uma pintura clássica sentam ao seu lado. Impossível? Não para esse artista ucraniano!
As criações do diretor de arte Alexey Kondakov, mostra personagens de obras-primas da pintura clássica inseridos nas ruas de Kiev. Pinturas de artistas como Caravaggio, Nicolas Regnier e Francesco Furini.
source: starkiev
Дизайнер Алексей Кондаков, разработавший, среди прочего, логотип небезызвестного сообщества «Неинтересный Киев», наглядно представил как представители эпохи Возрождения, сошедшие с картин мастеров, выглядели бы в окружении ландшафта современных Позняков.
source: tuxboard
Alexey Kondakov est un artiste ukrainien de 31 ans qui est l’auteur du projet “2 Reality”. Dans ses œuvres, il incruste des personnages de tableaux de Hayez, du Caravage ou encore de Bourguereau dans des lieux publics de Kiev, capitale ukrainienne et ville natale de l’artiste.
source: freshspacecz
Dokážete si představit řeckého boha v ulicích Kijeva? Ne? Nevadí, protože rodák z Doněcku, jedné z oblastí postižených válkou na východě Ukrajiny, Alexey Kondakova s trochou představivosti a mnoha hodin Photoshopu to udělal za vás. Jeho koláže přivádějí ke klasickému životu v moderním věku klasické malby modon, hudebníků, řeckých bohů, andělů a dalších. Přivádí je také do centra online dění, jelikož série s názvem 2Reality obletěla celý svět.
source: eintheroom
¿Bouguereau en un vagón del metro? El artista ucraniano Alexey Kondakov lo hace posible a través de esta serie de collage digital en la que retoma personajes de obras de finales del siglo XIX y las coloca en entornos contemporáneos. Aprovechando los recursos de manipulación digital, Kondakov integra escenas clásicas, en su mayoría de temática religiosa, y las transforma en composiciones que combinan el humor y el drama a la perfección.
source: designboom
as a union of history and modernity, ukranian artist alexey kondakov juxtaposes figures from the history of art with contemporary landscapes and scenes. the ongoing series ‘the daily life of gods’ sees classical paintings brought to everyday life, seamlessly integrated into the existing urban fabric. carefully photoshopped onto buses, down alleyways, and in stores, caravaggio’s ‘david and golliath’, william-adolphe bouguereau’s ‘nymphs and satyr’, and cesar van everdingen’s ‘bacchus’ — to name a few — seemingly become part of daily life in kiev. perfectly-executed shadows and light between the two otherwise desperate images give the resulting pictures a painterly quality, forming the impression of a new era where mythological creatures and religious figures meet contemporary urban existence.
source: boredpanda
How would the gods and characters of antiquity portrayed in classical paintings look if they appeared alongside us in the modern world? Alexey Kondakov, an artist based in Kiev, Ukraine, created a series of Photoshopped images that answer this question. His 2 Reality series puts classical paintings into settings we experience every day, be it the metro, the sketchy highway underpass, or the local lunch joint.
It’s interesting to consider how our impressions of these gods change given their new context. They may seem elegant or royal in a painting in a museum, but when superimposed into recognizable parts of modern life, some of them seem begin to seem like obnoxiously drunken revelers.
source: toutiao
每天我们低着头来回穿梭于家和公司之间,这个过程仿佛是在某个灵魂通道上进行祈祷仪式,将我们的生活与工作这两种状态联系在一起,艺术家 Alexey Kondakov 这组作品的出线就像是在证明这点——天使会出现在街道上。
Kondakov 将古典绘画与日常的街拍拼贴在一起,这些美术馆里的神话人物都跑到了我们的现实中:地铁、楼梯、马路、公交车等等,看起来十分不可思议却甚是有趣。不知道大家上下班疲惫的路上你见到了天使吗?相信会见到天使吗?