Buoyant Airborne Turbine
source: altaerosenergies
Altaeros’ mission is to deliver the next generation of infrastructure to rural and isolated communities. We combine proven technology with flight control innovations that enable cost effective autonomous deployment of tethered airborne platforms. At heights above 200m a wide range of applications become attractive. These include power generation, telecommunications, and technology enabled agricultural services. Leveraging its patented technology, Altaeros has eliminated the need for manpower to constantly monitor and control stationary airborne platforms. We provide a cost effective, reliable and environmentally friendly solution for any application that benefits from a durable, stationary mid-elevation platform.
source: designboom
altaeros energies, the wind energy company formed out of MIT, announced that its alaska demonstration project is set to break the world record for the highest wind turbine ever deployed. at a height 1,000 feet above ground, the BAT (buoyant airborne turbine) project, will be over 275 feet taller than the current record holder for the highest wind turbine, the vestas v164-8.0-mw. the BAT has been designed to generate consistent, low cost energy for the remote power and microgrid market, which is currently served by expensive diesel generators. the wind turbines will be used to power remote and island communities; agriculture, disaster relief organizations, and even military bases.
the BAT uses a helium-filled, inflatable shell to lift it to high altitudes, where winds are stronger and more consistent than those reached by traditional tower-mounted turbines. high strength tethers hold the turbine steady and send electricity down to the ground.
the lifting technology is adapted from aerostats, industrial cousins of blimps, which have lifted heavy communications equipment into the air for decades. aerostats are rated to survive hurricane-level winds and have safety features that ensure a slow descent to the ground. in 2013, altaeros successfully tested a BAT prototype in 45 mph winds and at a height of 500 feet.
source: doylesails
Altaeros Energies, a wind energy company formed out of MIT, announced that it has demonstrated high altitude power production from an automated prototype of its airborne wind turbine.
The company recently completed testing of a 35-foot scale prototype of the Altaeros Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT) at the Loring Commerce Center in Limestone, Maine. The prototype, fabricated in partnership with Doyle Sailmakers of Salem, Massachusetts, achieved several key milestones. The AWT climbed up 350 feet high, produced power at altitude, and landed in an automated cycle. In addition, the prototype lifted the top-selling Southwest Skystream turbine to produce over twice the power at high altitude than generated at conventional tower height. The turbine was successfully transported and deployed into the air from a towable docking trailer.
Altaeros is developing its first product to reduce energy costs by up to 65 percent by harnessing the stronger winds found over 1,000 feet high and reducing installation time from weeks to days. In addition, it is designed to have virtually no environmental or noise impact and to require minimal maintenance. The Altaeros AWT will displace expensive fuel used to power diesel generators at remote industrial, military, and village sites. In the long term, Altaeros plans to scale up the technology to reduce costs in the offshore wind market.
“For decades, wind turbines have required cranes and huge towers to lift a few hundred feet off the ground where winds can be slow and gusty,” explained Ben Glass, the inventor of the AWTand Altaeros Chief Executive Officer. “We are excited to demonstrate that modern inflatable materials can lift wind turbines into more powerful winds almost everywhere—with a platform that is cost competitive and easy to setup from a shipping container.”
The AWT uses a helium-filled, inflatable shell to ascend to higher altitudes where winds are more consistent and over five times stronger than those reached by traditional tower-mounted turbines. Strong tethers hold the AWT steady and send electricity down to the ground.
The lifting technology is adapted from aerostats, industrial cousins of passenger blimps that for decades have lifted heavy communications and radar equipment into the air for long periods of time. Aerostats are rated to survive hurricane-level winds and have safety features that ensure a slow descent to the ground.
The emerging airborne or “high altitude” wind sector was recently featured on the cover of the March 2011 issue of Popular Mechanics. In December 2011, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released draft guidelines allowing the new class of airborne wind systems to be sited under existing regulation.
Altaeros Energies is currently seeking partners to join its effort to launch the first commercially- available high altitude wind turbine in the world.
Altaeros Energies was founded in 2010 to generate low cost renewable energy by harnessing the strong winds found at higher altitudes. Altaeros Energies won the 2011 ConocoPhillips Energy Prize, and has received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the California Energy Commission, and the Maine Technology Institute.
source: dailytechinfoorg
Представители компании Altaeros Energies объявили о первых успешных испытаниях опытного образца ветряной энергетической установки Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT), которая с первого взгляда является гибридом дирижабля и ветряной мельницы. Во время испытаний летающий генератор установки AWT был поднят на высоту 107 метров, где он провел некоторое время, вырабатывая электроэнергию, после чего установка благополучно была опущена назад на поверхность Земли. Испытания показали, что турбина, поднятая на указанную высоту, способна выработать в два раза больше энергии, чем обычные ветрогенераторы, устанавливаемые на высотных башнях.
Немногим позже специалисты компании Altaeros Energies собираются произвести еще одни испытания установки AWT, во время которых она будет поднята на высоту более 300 метров, на высоту, где дуют в пять раз более сильные ветра, чем у поверхности. По предварительным расчетам, такая высота и использование относительно недорогой установки AWT позволят на целых 65 процентов снизить стоимость вырабатываемой электроэнергии.
Установка AWT в воздухе
“В течение десятилетий для строительства ветрогенераторов использовали мощные конструкции и подъемное оборудование. Башни ветрогенераторов поднимались на сотню метров выше поверхности, но даже на этих высотах ветра могут быть еще медленными и порывистыми” – объясняет Бен Глас (Ben Glass), генеральный директор компании Altaeros Energies, организованной выпускниками Гарвардского университета и Массачусетского технологического института. – “Мы продемонстрировали то, что современные материалы и технологии создания надувных конструкций позволят создавать ветрогенераторы, поднимаемые на большие высоты, где дуют быстрые и постоянные ветры. При этом, наша энергетическая установка получилась весьма компактной, она умещается в стандартном прицепе грузового автомобиля. Ее можно незамедлительно доставить в место, где требуется электроэнергии и развернуть в рабочее состояние очень быстро”.
Установка AWT состоит из оболочки, заполненной гелием, что позволяет поднимать этот необычный дирижабль на большие высоты. Ветрогенератор и его лопасти, разработанные совместно со специалистами компании Doyle Sailmakers, изготовлены с таким расчетом, что бы оказывать минимальное воздействие, в том числе и шумовое, на окружающую среду. Предполагается, что такие ветроэлектрогенераторы, требующие минимального обслуживания, в будущем станут заменой дизельным электростанциям, потребляющим дорогое топливо, используемым в удаленных местах, в сельской местности и в районах ведения боевых действий.
source: skeemipesaee
Ettevõte Altaeros Energies tuli välja uudse lendava elektrigeneraatori (Airborne Wind Turbine) ideega, mis peaks tootma piisavalt madala hinnaga elektrit. Seadet vaadates tundub see olevat dirižaabeli ja tuuliku hübriid.
Katse käigus (vaata all olevat videot) saadeti lendav elektrigeneraator 107 meetri kõrgusele taevasse ning pärast teatud aega toodi tagasi maapinnale. Katsest järeldati, et lendav elektrigeneraator toodab kaks korda rohkem energiat, kui masti otsa paigaldatud elektrigeneraator.
Sellist energiatootmissüsteemi on mugav kasutada kohtades, kus elektrivõrku on tarbijani keeruline ehitada või see puudub täielikult. Näiteks raskesti ligipääsetavad militaarbaasid ja külad, kuhu kütuse transportimine diiselgeneraatoritele on väga tülikas ja kallis.
source: noctulachannel
O mundo exige energia mais limpas e de baixo custo, Altaeros energies respondeu a essa exigência com uma turbina eólica de alta altitude chamada BAT.
Mais barato, mais flexível e muito mais eficiente, o BAT é a nova geração de energia eólica.
Com esta tecnologia a energia do vento a baixo custo pode ser levada aos pontos mais remotos da Terra, dando energia a comunidades isoladas ou ilhas, explorações de gás, agrícolas ou mineiras, zonas que tenham sofrido desastres naturais ou bases militares.
Para elevar o BAT é utilizado um “balão” de hélio, a altitudes mais altas, onde o vento é 5-8 vezes mais forte, as turbinas produzem duas vezes mais energia, e de uma forma que é 65% mais eficiente. Este “balão” é depois ligado através de cabos à superfície onde é utilizada a energia.
Além disso, o tempo e os custos associados à construção da turbina são diminuídos, em vez de semanas das tradicionais turbinas eólicas, a construção do BAT demora apenas alguns dias.
O BAT tem ainda um menor impacto na natureza comparativamente às turbinas tradicionais, como morte de aves e morcegos ou destruição de habitat.
Mais barato, mais flexível e muito mais eficiente, o BAT é a nova geração de energia eólica.
source: rbbtoday
ソフトバンクは5日、米Altaeros Energies, Inc.に700万米ドル(約8億4,000万円)の出資を行うことを発表した。Altaeros社の「空中浮体式風力発電」(Buoyant Airborne Turbine:BAT)技術の開発と商用化を支援するのが目的。