Physical Transformation
source: andreasmuxel
Data as a numeric representation of the measurement and detection of our environment has a high degree of abstraction. The transformation of data is aimed at improving accessibility, the classification into specific contexts and offering an interpretation. Transformation creates meaning. The aim of the project was, to bring this abstract data again into the form of physical objects and their parameters (material, shape and movement) to create a visual and tactile experience – especially in regard to the data’s origin and meaning. The sudents were asked not to take already existing data and therefore the project started with the observation of the Chlodwigplatz, a central square in the south of Cologne as a common source for further interpretations and transformations.
In 2004 he received a diploma in Media Communication Design from the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria. Between 2004 and 2007 he worked as an interaction and interface designer for the MARS-Exploratory Media Lab at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication. In 2008 he finished his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. In his works he is interested in the mixture of digital code and physical material and the man-machine interface. His projects has been shown at many international festivals of media art. Beside that he works as a freelance art director.
Since 2013 he has a professorship of “Interface / Interaction Design” at the Köln International School of Design.
source: kunstetage-deutz
Andreas Muxel erhielt 2004 ein Diplom in multimedialer Kommunikationsgestaltung an der Fachhochschule Vorarlberg, Österreich. Danach arbeitete er als Interaktions- und Interfacedesigner am Fraunhofer-Institut für Medienkommunikation, Abteilung MARS-Exploratory Media Lab. 2008 beendete er sein Postgraduiertenstudium an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. In seinen Arbeiten beschäftigt er sich mit der Verschränkung von Code und Material und der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Seine Projekte wurden schon auf zahlreichen internationalen Medienkunst Festivals gezeigt. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Künstler arbeitet er als Freelancer und gibt Seminare und Workshops an verschieden Hochschulen in Deutschland. Er lebt und arbeitet in Köln.
source: ounae
Andreas Muxel es diseñador de medios de comunicación; trabajó en el desarrollo de interfaces e interacciones para el MARS-Exploratory Media Lab del Instituto Fraunhofer de Medios de Comunicación. Actualmente, vive y trabaja en Colonia (Alemania). Sus obras recientes van en busca de una conexión entre el lenguaje digital y el mundo físico.
source: energie-passagen
Was born in 1979. Since 2004, he has been working in the areas of interaction and interface design at the MARS Exploratory Media Lab. In the »Energie_Passagen« project, he worked on the interaction models and on the visual design of the river projection. Furthermore, he is responsible for the conception and the implementation of the sound installation and for the programming of the website. For his master’s thesis (2003) in the field of Intermedia at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, he developed an interface for the visualisation of acoustic events. Apart from working at the MARS Lab, Andreas Muxel is also a member of the bricolage group, working on free projects in the area of audio visual design.