Aranda\Lasch | highlike



Rules of Six

Aranda Lasch

source: highlike

Work: Rules of Six is a large-scale commission by the Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition Design and the Elastic Mind. Rules of Six is an experiment in growth. The design explores issues of self-assembly, where top down methods for determining form are replaced by bottom up rules of formation. The structures presented are not carved or composed in a traditional sense; they are grown through simple interactions, hexagonal in nature, that are much like the ones molecules follow in the lab.
source: lanciatrendvisions

Everything is geometric: nanomaterials, pigeons in flight, basketball games and theories about the universe… Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch’s ability lies in unravelling these schemes into algorithms capable of generating organic and unexpected design items. Science or intuition? Let’s just take a look at what they’ve been up to in Venice…

It goes under the name of “Modern Primitives”, their latest idea for the 2010 Architecture Exhibition. Installations consisting of stone blocks and small “primitive” pieces, to sit on or rest on and embrace. 

Inspired by contemporary ruins and their cyclical nature, “Modern Primitives” is a space which appears to crumble and merge simultaneously. Depending on how the cycle is perceived, the space represents the direction and the origin of our movements.

Aranda/Lasch’s projects are prolific, innovative and recognised at an international level. Their work concentrates on experimentation and on innovative constructions, in the pursuit of a relationship between structure and space, through virtual technology. 

Just think of their installation for the New York MoMA, “Rules of Six” (2008), a swarm of hexagons inspired by molecular bonding or the upcoming temporary structure made of translucent vinyl designed for Design Miami set to open in December.
source: meowmeow0508

The work of New York–based architectural designers Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch often uses algorithmic techniques to produce new geometries based on natural processes. In their new work —- Rules of Six, they based on another process of growth, such as fungus.
source: arhinovostiru

Студия Аранда/Лэш (Aranda\Lasch) была основана в Нью-Йорке в 2003-м году Бенжамином Арандой (Benjamin Aranda, 1973-го года рождения) и Крисом Лэшем (Chris Lasch, 1972-го года рождения).

Студии удается постоянно открывать новое в использовании пространства и структуры, создавая уникальный кристаллический образ для зданий, инсталляций, объектов.

Начиная с первых опытов, которые сопровождались выпуском книги “Инструментарий” (Tooling), восторженно принятой критиками, студия участвует в международных выставках и проектах, связанных с архитектурой и дизайном.
source: designcok

에서 선보인 건축가 애런더 & 라시가 디자인한 벽면 인스톨레이션 작품 ‘6의 법칙’. 육각형의 연속적인 패턴을 이용해 디자인한 수납장도 있다.
source: pessoachique

Benjamin Aranda e Chris Lasch, arquitetos e designers com escritório em NY, criam notáveis projetos modulares que emulam o infinito utilizando a Cristalografia, estruturas moleculares e a Cosmologia.

A criação dessas estruturas experimentais, buscam maneiras originais de aplicação de novos materiais, conceitos e planejamento de estrutura de idéias. Com a variação do infinito, estas idéias crescem em uma variedade de possibilidades de criar formas abstratas que desafiam nossas noções do que é a aparência de um objeto.

Objetos estes que eles consideram mundanos como cadeiras, mesas, uma sala e até mesmo uma ponte, são criados a partir das formas de anatomias fractais, octaedros e algoritmos.

O trabalho da dupla, conta com um projeto monumental encomendado pelo MoMa e mais recentemente um stage set pra banda Yeasayer.