

source: taringanet

Fotógrafo europeo nacido en 1986, habitante contiguamente de Londres y París. Co-fundador de la revista de fotografía nudista L’imparfaite.

Este artista tiene un portafolio variado, pero según argumenta le gustan las fotografías en exteriores, en contacto con la naturaleza. Dice que los modelos no sienten lo mismo en una playa desierta, o internados en un bosque que en el estudio.
Eso lleva a pensar que su obra busca captar emociones, sentimientos profundos, que no salen a la luz fácilmente.
source: dazeddigital
Paris-based photographer Arnaud Lajeunie was born in 1986 but his shoots, in which he instinctively explores the lines of the body and how to manipulate them, suggest wisdom beyond his years. A quiet sensuality creates memories that can also be found in the erotic magazine L’imparfaite, which Lajeunie co-founded and for which he is creative director. Shooting deep in the forest or on the beach in the dark and allowing his photos to play and happen naturally, Lajeunie creates “… a playground for images to act themselves out”. Dazed spoke with the photographer about play and the art of being free…