

source: attonconrad

Atton Conrad O’murchadha is a London based Advertising and art photographer.

London born, Belfast bred and originally set for a career in science, the inherited genes from an artist father & actress mother prevailed. He made for the bright lights of his birth city to persue his love of photography.

He learnt his skills via the well trodden route of photographic assisting for eight years for London advertising & fashion photographers. He worked with names such as Nadav Kander, Terry O’Neil, Iain Crawford and was the agency assistant for Terry Manduca. He honed and developed his superior lighting & production skills in fashion and beauty turning professional photographer himself five years ago. Originally he directed his career towards the intensely creative arena of cutting edge art / fashion; successfully shooting for many magazines such as 125, Issue one and Flux.

It was the Futures Light’ story in 125 Magazine where he light painted dresses on to models that the development of his light painting techniques began. They were further honed on the international Hennessy print Campaign ‘Blended with Talent’ for Louis Vitton Moet Hennessy after his switch to art and advertising, a more fertile arena for the technique.

“ it started with light trails, but grew far beyond that, as i developed my methodology and custom designed ‘light brushes’ i realised that the techniques could give me incredibly fine control over light and texture, to an unique almost hyperreal result. I have always been known for my classic lighting, and still take great pleasure in it, but this took it a completely fresh direction.”

The process is an intensly visceral one, almost a dance with light, as he physically paints the subject with light brushes in a blackout studio whilst remote triggering the camera. These techniques are employed to create images, of both people and objects, with a certain quality separate from those created by traditional means alone.

“I love technology, I have used photoshop for over a decade, but there is a certain quality I want to create that is unobtainable by the usual route alone”.

Unique results created by unique methodology.

Conrad continues to work on commercial team projects, using all forms of lighting, and developing his personal fine art and video projects.
source: ecouterre

Here’s a new textile we bet you’ve never tried: photons. Atton Conrad, an art photographer based in London, created a series of luminous gowns using nothing but light. Conrad adapted a technique known as “light painting” to capture trails of light on a long-exposure camera. Using a remote trigger and custom “light brushes,” Conrad achieved a level of control few have managed, allowing him to cloak his models in garments of pure fluorescence.

Atton Conrad, light, eco-friendly dresses, sustainable dresses, eco-art, art photography, eco-fashion, sustainable fashion, green fashion, ethical fashion, sustainable style, wearable technology


Like most light painters, Conrad started out with basic swoops and spirals. His methodology evolved, however, when he realized the craft’s potential. “I realized that the techniques could give me incredibly fine control over light and texture, to an unique, almost hyperreal result,” he told io9. “I have always been known for my classic lighting, and still take great pleasure in it, but this took it in a completely fresh direction.”

Thought not real in the physical sense, Conrad’s light dresses dazzle on film.
Thought not real in the physical sense, Conrad’s light dresses dazzle on film. And who knows where technology might lead us? Clotheshorses of the future may very well parade in clothing derived from electromagnetic waves and particles. It’d certainly be sustainable: waste-free, completely renewable, and changeable at a moment’s whim.
source: simplesmenteelegante

Quando a moda encontra a arte surgem trabalhos como o do fotógrafo britânico Atton Conrad O’murchadha. Durante dez anos, ele atuou junto com fotógrafos de moda e publicidade e depois disso começou a fazer light painting ou light grafiti em suas fotos. Seu trabalho vem se tornando conhecido através dos “vestidos de luz”, que ele produz por meio de uma técnica muito requintada, que chama a atenção do espectador ao primeiro olhar. O resultado é impressionante, o que já fez marcas como Nike, Henessy e Nº 7 recorrerem ao talento do artista em algumas de suas campanhas.
source: lamanufacturera

Esta vez pinta para nosotros unos vestidos llenos de belleza, glamour y luz. Conrad utiliza una de mis técnicas favoritas para la fotografía: la larga exposición, ya que ésta crea infinidad de alternativas y posibilidades logrando efectos alucinantes y con mucho estilo.
source: novateru

Большинство обладателей цифровых фотокамер (как мыльниц, так и более продвинутых моделей) хотя бы раз, но пробовали «нарисовать» что-то фонариком или другим источником света, пользуясь функцией длительной выдержки. Результат всегда радует и заставляет гордо выпятить грудь, почувствовать себя настоящим «творцом» и тем ещё оригиналом. А некий английский фотограф пошёл ещё дальше: доведя несложный трюк до совершенства, Аттон Конрад (Atton Conrad) сумел создать целую «коллекцию» нарядов из разноцветных лучей.

Такой текстиль вы не найдёте в соседнем магазине тканей. Ведь его состав – 100 % чистейших фотонов. Хороший фотоаппарат с возможностью длительной выдержки, тёмная студия, штатив, ловкость и терпение – вот и всё, что понадобилось лондонскому фотографу, чтобы нарядить красивых (и практически обнажённых) моделей в фантастические платья из света и цвета. Единственные в своём роде.

Аттон, будучи уже довольно известным в Лондоне фотографом, неожиданно открыл для себя технику светографики или лайтпейтинга (от англ. «light painting» – рисование светом). Как и все новички, Конрад стартовал с банальными «кольцами» и «спиралями» на снимках. Но, осознав перспективность направления, стал больше экспериментировать и развивать навык: «Я понял, что эта техника может дать мне невероятный контроль над светом и текстурой, позволит получить уникальный, практически гиперреальный результат». Как видим, с «уникальным результатом» Аттон угадал.

Платья из света от Аттона Конрада уникальны хотя бы тем, что их нельзя пощупать и примерить, а лишь оценить на фотографиях. Но некоторых блогеров фотопроект Конрада навёл на мысль: возможно, подобным образом будет выглядеть одежда далекого будущего, «сотканная» из электромагнитных волн и частиц? Время покажет.
source: miao717

来自伦敦的摄影师阿顿·康拉德(ATTON CONRAD)的为你带来的光绘霓裳,他用独特的光绘手法,借助专业的摄影和灯光控制技术,将每一束光都进行精排和设计,然后利用延迟成像技术捕捉每一束光线,光着身体的模特都仿佛穿上了新衣,不禁让人感叹,光影的迷幻魅力与“时装”的惊艳竟可以如此细腻地融合在一起。
source: klonblog

Wer von den Mädels auf hübsche Kleider steht, aber keine Kohle dafür hat, den verraten wir hier einen tollen Trick. Probierts einfach mal mit Licht. Ist billiger als Stoff und sieht zudem noch viel cooler aus. Der Londoner Fotograf Atton Conrad tut dies mit seinen Models auch. Einfach die Langzeitbelichtung der Kamera ausnutzen und im abgedunkelten Raum mithilfe einer Lichtquelle (z.B einer Taschenlampe) in die Luft bzw. auf den Körper des Models “kritzeln”. Und das kann dann dabei herauskommen:
source: fubiznet

Plusieurs séries photos avec des mannequins et des jeux de lumières, pour une nouvelle collection. Une belle utilisation et application du light-painting par le photographe Atton Conrad. Plus d’images dans la suite.
source: gooddesignsocietyblogspot

Atton Conrad, fotografo-artista londinese, ha ideato e creato una serie di abiti fatti con la luce.
Sfruttando la tecnica del light painting, che consente di catturare fasci di luce grazie a tempi di esposizione prolungati, l’artista è riuscito a disegnare con dei pennelli personalizzati gli abiti di luce sui corpi delle modelle.
Abiti visibili a occhio nudo solo per pochi attimi, ma catturati per sempre dall’obiettivo fotografico di Atton Conrad: light fashion designer/photographer.