Barbara Bloom
source: icporg
Photographer, designer, and installation artist Barbara Bloom (b. 1951) has built her career out of questioning appearances, exploring the desire for possessions, and commenting on the act of collecting. This retrospective will explore all aspects of her oeuvre, and includes works from past multi-media installations and newly made pieces, as well as objects from her vast personal archives of ephemera and advertisements. In some cases, Bloom revisits previous installations and adds new elements, resisting the delineation between past and present in her work. She often integrates her photographs with furniture to create compelling scenes, as with the installation Greed (1988) from the ICP collection, comprised of a chair, an empty frame, and her own photograph of a museum gallery showing a guard in a chair. An example of one of her “collections” is a complete set of Vladimir Nabokov’s writings, with all the book covers redesigned by Bloom. This refers not only to herself as collector, and Nabokov as collector (he obsessively collected his own books), but herself as artist.
source: arteseanpblogspot
Barbara Bloom (1951-) respeitada artista conceitual americana. Nasceu em Los Angeles. Vive e trabalha em Nova York. Estudou na Bernnington College, Vermon e com John Baldassari no Institue of Arts, Valencia, Califórnia. Viveu por muitos anos em Amsterdam e Berlim. Trabalha com instalações e livros de artista. Discute as relações entre objetos e imagens e seus significados. Atribui ao objeto vida própria, além das qualidades físicas e funcionais. Os objetos se relacionam um com os outros e contam histórias. Para seu deleite, construiu um museu próprio do qual resultou um livro The Complete Works of Barbara Bloom. Suas instalações são produzidas um lugar específico. É representada pela Tracy Williams, LTD, Nova York.
source: art-magazinde
Barbara Bloom wurde 1951 in Los Angeles geboren. Sie studierte am Bennington College und zusammen mit John Baldessari am California Institute of the Arts. Mehrere Jahre lebte und arbeitete die Künstlerin in Amsterdam und Berlin. Ausgestellt wurden ihre Werke u. a. im Museum of Modern Art in New York, im Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, im MAK in Wien, in der Serpentine Gallery, London, im Kunstverein München, in der Kunsthalle Zürich und anderen internationalen Institutionen, wie auf der Biennale in Venedig, wo sie den Due Mille Preis erhielt. Sie ist Preisträgerin der Guggenheim-Stiftung, des Wexner Center of Art und des Getty Research Institute. Zurzeit lebt und arbeitet sie in New York City.
Mit ihren Kunstwerken regt Barbara Bloom zu neuen Formen der Betrachtung an. Stets detailliert, präzise und reich gefüllt, bestehen die Exponate nur selten aus einem Objekt. Der Vergleich mit Bildern sowie das Spiel mit Anordnung, Zusammenstellung und Wahrnehmung ihrer „Collections“ nehmen die Schönheit zum Vorsatz, um Illusion, Zerbrechlichkeit und Vergänglichkeit zu erforschen.