

Роберта Барсолота


source: highlike
Work: Robert Bartholot creates something quite different to anything I’ve ever seen. His art, which he refers to as photographic illustration, in reality is something between photography, graphic design, illustration and sculpture. We could probably throw in painting and light installations in there too. The german artist takes pictures that look like sculptures but are in fact illustrations. Can you make sense of it?
Needless to say (after you’ve seen the photos), he’s fantastic. What makes Robert even more impressive though, is that he supervises the process from the very beginning to the very end, thanks to not only being the photographer, but also the art director on the shoots. The vision he proposes definitely speaks to me. In fact it screams.
It bursts with colour and glitter, sports women wearing moustache and horses with crimped hair. It is absurd and outrageous in the best of possible ways. Doesn’t it sound perfect?
Robert’s models become highly saturated statues, frozen still with no movement or emotion, while they’re being put into bizarre outfits.
Robert Bartholot was probably Alice’s best friend back in his previous life in Wonderland and he clearly had a lot of fun. He still does.
Image: Bartholot creates iconic imagery with a focus on photographic illustration and artistic direction.
Photographer: Bartholot
source: supertacular
Stories, nightmares, desires, fears, death…. negative or positive emotions take the form of images in hands of Robert Bartholot. Every shot has a story to tell, a narration of a man’s deepest thoughts coming to surface. Images that help you capture emotions and memories, images that touch you deeply within your soul.
source: objects-journal
Bartholot is a Berlin-based freelance designer with an emphasis on photographic illustration and art direction. He was born in 1971 in Southern Germany and became a graphic designer in Aachen. He gained experience working in Lucerne and Zurich, before he moved to Madrid to join photography legend Álvaro Villarrubia’s team. He’s been exploring his particular imagery ever since. Beside his interest in dollish characters he certainly has a weakness for dusty shine, trendless fashion & striking gloom.
source: fashionproduction
Robert G. Bartholot es un diseñador freelance especializado en fotografía, ilustración y dirección de arte. Nació en 1971 en el sur de Alemania y se convirtió en un diseñador gráfico en Aachen. Se ganó experiencia trabajando en Lucerna y Zurich, antes de trasladarse a Madrid para unirse al equipo del fotógrafo Álvaro Villarrubia. Su trabajo ha sido publicado en revistas como Objects (Berlín), Novum (Munich), Neo2 (Madrid), Vnfold (Buenos Aires) y Schön! (Londres).
source: lanewsdudigital
Robert G. Bartholot, célèbre photographe allemand, débute sa carrière en tant que freelance à Berlin. C’est aux côtés de Álvaro Villarrubia qu’il mettra vraiment son talent au service de la photo.