

Nimbus Green Room

source: yatzer

Throughout the history of mankind clouds have carried all sorts of negative connotations; they have been read pessimistically as a sign of misfortune or the premonition of a tempest or as simply as a blemish in the sky ruining an otherwise perfectly bright sunny day. But for Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde, it seems that the clouds that have appeared in his world have a silver lining after all, making him the talk of the art world. Since 2010, Smilde has been skillfully creating clouds inside indoor spaces. Yes, indoors. As strange as it might sound, Smilde has mastered the art of controlling the weather conditions of a room by making clouds appear inside the oddest of spaces.

‘Nimbus’ is an impressive project that explores the idea of a cloud being mysteriously created inside a space in which it does not belong and the various meanings that people project onto it. In a series of photographic prints that bring to mind the paintings of surreal artist René Magritte, Smilde playfully reinterprets the cartoon reference of a cloud as a the universal sign of bad luck by creating the unfathomable where walking into an empty space dominated by a massive cloud makes one ask whether it is real or just a weird hallucination.

No stranger to the vagueness of the in-between state, Berndnaut Smilde’s work is largely inspired by transitional spaces such as corridors, elevators, staircases and balconies that exist to be in between. Drawing upon their physicality, he creates installations and sculptures that centre on duality, that question the notions of temporality, size, and the function of materials and architectural elements. With regard to his clouds, when viewed out of their natural context, one cannot quite grasp how to interpret them. Ominous and threatening, yet strangely serene, they carry a baffling duality, appearing to be as much part of the room as they are out of place. Embracing the surreal aspect of it all, Smilde challenges conflicting notions of the inside and the outside, celebrating the ephemeral, the immaterial and the whimsical in his own unique way.

Of course, recreating a cloud and all the physical elements that go along with it is an act that requires meticulous planning entailing carefully controlling the temperature and humidity levels of the room, constantly moistening the air inside it and adjusting the lighting to create a dramatic and realistic effect. When the room conditions are ideal, a fog machine unleashes a dense mist that appears heavy and damp, just like a real life raincloud. Floating proudly in the middle of the oddest of spaces, they last for only a few brief moments before dissipating into thin air.

In fact, very few people have actually seen Berndnaut Smilde’s work in person. As short-lived as a summer storm, his whimsical clouds live only to exist in photographic form. Somewhere in-between reality and representation, the beauty of a fleeting haze is captured on a print that becomes the only medium to prove that they ever in fact existed. Building on awe and disbelief, it is this highly ephemeral nature of theirs that makes them so special, as if they were another urban myth that one has yet to witness but still fervently believes in.
source: ronchinigallery

Artist Berndnaut Smilde was born in 1978 in Groningen, The Netherlands. He currently lives and works in in Amsterdam. Smilde’s work consists of installations, sculptures and photos. Using his daily surroundings and spaces as inspiration, Smilde is interested in the temporal nature of construction and deconstruction. His work refers to both the physical state of a building as well as a moment of revelation that depicts either hope or fragility. Smilde analyses spaces and their appearance and takes them apart to investigate their unique details and features. His artistic point of view often centers on duality. His works question: inside and outside, temporality, size, the function of materials and architectural elements.

Smilde holds an MA from the Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen. Awards include a start stipend form The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture. He was a resident artist at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin 2008.

source: slate
For Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde, the expression has an entirely different meaning.
Mainly a sculptor, Smilde creates clouds in indoor spaces and then uses photography as a means to capture their transient lives.
Using a combination of “frozen smoke” and moisture, the Dutch artist is able to create the clouds indoors that last just long enough to be photographed. The process leading up to the creation, however, can be labor intensive with shoot preparations lasting a few days.
“I’ll change the space for better light and elements I want to have in or left outside the framework I’ve chosen,” wrote Smilde via email. “There is some pressure to get the right one (photograph), but sometimes in the early stage of shooting I already know I’ve captured the image but we keep producing since you never know if you’ll get an even better one; it’s addictive.”
“Because you have total control over these spaces, it enables you to create an ideal situation,” wrote Smilde. “I’ve modeled the exhibition space after my ideal perception of a museum space and wanted to create an ominous situation.”
Smilde is interested in fleeting moments, the “in-between situations” that are open to interpretation. Since few people are able to view the physical life of one of Smilde’s clouds, using photography allows him to share his creations with a larger audience and opens up conversation about the paradox of the subject matter.
“The cloud brings duality because you can’t really grasp how to interpret the situation you are viewing. This is not so much about the shape of the cloud but rather by placing it out of its natural context; in this case the unnatural situation can be threatening.”
“People have always had strong metaphysical connections to clouds as they symbolize the ominous, fertility, luck and divinity,” wrote Smilde. “They also embody a cartoon-like visualization … in order to deal with situations we cannot fully grasp, we give them a meaning or shape just to ease ourselves.”
source: antidepresivonet

Este es uno de los proyectos más interesantes visual y conceptualmente que hayamos tenido oportunidad de compartir. Es la obra del artista Berndnaut Smilde.

Smilde ha creado desde el 2010, nubes dentro de cuartos o edificios. Aunque suene y se vea extraño, las nubes no son un efecto del photoshop o manipulación digital, son en realidad formas creadas dentro de las habitaciones por este artista, quien es ya un experto en el arte de manipular las condiciones climáticas de un cuarto para lograrlo.

El nombre del proyecto es Nimbus, con este, explora la reacción de la mente humana al ver un objeto, un símbolo, que está materializado en un ambiente totalmente ajeno al que por naturaleza le asociamos.

También les dejamos un video donde pueden aprender más sobre el artista y su técnica para lograr crear su genial trabajo.
source: calambru

Что их невероятно трудно воспроизвести в наглядной форме. Ну, это не может быть на самом деле сложнее, чем сделать их. В последние несколько лет, художник Berndnaut Smilde сделал себе имя как скульптор облаков. Его Nimbus серии захватывает мимолетные «искусственные» cloudage, что он создал в старых залах галереи.

«Это не высокотехнологичный процесс на всех», сообщает Co.Design. После урегулирования на первоначальной идеи (“Можно ли будет проявлять Raincloud?»), Он экспериментировал с несколькими материалами, в том числе аэрогель, пористым веществом, которое можно было сравнить с «замороженным» или «твердым» дымом. Это было не совсем правильно, хотя. В конце концов, оказался Smilde работе с дым-машинами, узнав, что он создал пар, который был визуальным сходством с облаками — и что результаты были относительно легко контролировать.

И продолжает вносить коррективы по мере продвижения работы. Он в последнее время стал заинтересованы в выборе конкретного номера и обрамление их так, чтобы архитектура была в сотетани с ними, чтобы сформировать «представление об идеальном пространстве.»
source: lamanufacturera

Berndnaut Smilde es un artista holandés que, a través de precisas observaciones de la humedad, la temperatura, el movimiento y la presión del aire, y la iluminación, crea fantásticas nubes instantáneas.

Dentro de una habitación, Berndnaut Smilde se asegura de que existan las adecuadas condiciones para la formación de nubes, y gracias a las leyes naturales de la física, puede fabricar algunas de ellas que duran sólo un hermoso momento.

Lo efímero que el arte puede llegar a ser es a veces el encanto de una obra, como en este caso, en el que las creaciones de Berndnaut Smilde duran sólo unos instantes pero son cuidadosamente registrados en video y fotografía.
source: substagenl

De Nederlandse kunstenaar Berndnaut Smilde is gefascineerd door het contrast van tijdelijkheid, hij creëert wolken binnen verschillende ruimtes met behulp van een op afstand bedienbare rookmachine. De resulterende werken zijn adembenemend.
source: cumhetumblr

Vous êtes peut-être déjà passé à côté de cette oeuvre artistique de l’artiste Berndnaut Smilde qui a réussi l’exploit de recréer un nuage de toute pièce dans un endroit clos. J’étais tombé sur son oeuvre il y a quelques années et ma réaction fut immédiate: moi aussi j’en veux un. Sauf que l’ami n’est pas bête et s’est bien gardé le secret, sauf qu’on sait maintenant comment il a fait!
image Berndnaut Smilde, Nimbus NP3, 2012. Photo par Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk.

Qu’on soit clair, on a tous déjà rêvé d’avoir un petit nuage chez soit, histoire de s’y caler dessus façon Zeus. Sauf qu’en principe, c’est impossible de capturer ou même de recréer un nuage de toute pièce. Sauf que l’allemand Berndnaut Smilde a surpris beaucoup de monde avec son projet Numbus ou il a pu renfermer un nuage dans une pièce close. Un projet bien mystérieux qui fait apparaître un nuage dans des endroits dans lesquels on ne l’attend pas du tout, amenant la fascination et soulevant beaucoup de questions.

Afin d’arriver à un résultat pareil il faut un travail méticuleux de long terme afin de pouvoir contrôler au mieux la température de la pièce et son humidité. En ajoutant en permanence de l’humidité et en contrôlant la luminosité, cela reste possible. Sans le contrôle de ces différents facteurs, ce nuage ne pourrait tout simplement pas exister! Quand les conditions climatiques sont optimales, une machine rejetant de la fumée est installée dans la pièce pour relâcher une fumée qui devient de suite très dense et lourde, comme un nuage! Ce qui permet à cette fumée de flotter dans les airs en donnant l’impression de voir un nuage! Génial non?!

Je vais sûrement vous décevoir, mais vous ne pourrez pas garder très longtemps ce nuage dans votre pièce… En fait, très peu de personnes ont eu la chance de voir ce nuage en vrai, sa durée de vie est tellement courte, que c’est presque impossible de le conserver! Il ne peut exister que pour un laps de temps, pour un shooting photo par exemple.

Pour ceux qui cherchent une explication à cette oeuvre, en fait Berndnaut installe ce nuage le plus souvent dans des pièces dites de transition comme un couloirs, des escaliers, des balcons ou des ascenseurs jouant justement sur le fait que ces pièces se trouvent “au milieu”. Au milieu d’un point dans lequel on est et qu’on veut atteindre, au milieu de la terre et l’espace comme dans lequel on retrouve les nuages. Gardant ceci en tête, il centre cette oeuvre sur cette dualité, questionnant les notions de temporalité, de taille et l’utilité des matériaux associés à des pièces architecturales. Le côté surréaliste qu’il y a en voyant ce nuage nous fait nous questionner sur l’aspect “intérieur/extérieur”, comment un élément qu’on ne connait qu’en extérieur peut se trouver ici, en plein milieu d’une pièce? C’est de l’éphémère, de l’immatériel, bref une pure fantaisie qui nous est offerte par Berndnaut Smilde.
source: 1-b-i-t-e

房間裡的一朵雲 by Berndnaut Smilde

時代雜誌(Time) 2012 年度的最佳 50 項發明奬
其中之一頒給了一朵 “ 雲 ”

令人想起超現實主義者 Magritte 以及眾大師留下來那些經典的美

這位來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹藝術家 Berndnaut Smilde

“ 雲 ” 稍縱即逝
因此 Smilde 用相機捕捉下這珍貴一瞬間的暫留美景
沒有運用 ” PhotoShop ” 電腦特殊技術處理