Birger Sevaldson and Natasha Barrett
source: osloluxwordpress
Birger Sevaldson is professor at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. He is chairman of the OCEAN design research network. He trained as an interior architect and furniture designer and works in various fields of design, including interior design, furniture design, industrial design and art based projects. He has a PhD in creative design computing and has been researching systems thinking in design for the last ten years. He has designed a series of spatial installations with OCEAN and with composer Natasha Barrett.
Natasha Barrett works fore-mostly with composition, research and creative uses of sound. Her output spans concert composition through to sound-art, interactive installations and collaboration with science and architecture. Whether writing for live performers or electronic media, the focus of this work stems from an acousmatic approach to sound and the aural images it can evoke. Sound’s spatial potential features strongly in her work and over the past 10 years has involved practical application of ambisonics and 3D sound imaging. Barrett studied in England for masters and doctoral degrees in composition. Since 1999 Norway has been her compositional and research base. Her works are performed and commissioned throughout the world, receiving numerous recognitions, most notably the Nordic Council Music Prize (Norden / Scandinavia, 2006).