קרסטן ניקולאי
pionier ll
source: carstennicolaide
2009 – outdoor installation on piazza plebiscito, naples, italy
three large scale balloons moored wih metal cylinders on the piazza, internal 12 kw light sources, real-time sounds form the seismic activity of mount vesuvius
dimensions variable
the work pionier ii has been especially designed and developed for the public space project on piazza plebiscito. a number of enlightened large-scale helium balloons hover above the piazza, fixed to large metal cylinders the ground via strong wire are free to sway in the wind. the scenery is completed by an underlying sound played through several loudspeakers installed throughout the piazza. it will be generated by a transfer of seismic movements caused by the volcano mount vesuvius. the installation occupies with the the interaction of artificial and natural elements – directly referring to the antagonism of the city and its natural environment – to express how difficult it is to achieve stable conditions and how easily a system might be undermined or contradicted.
source: carstennicolaide
curriculum vitae
in his work carsten nicolai, born 1965 in karl-marx-stadt, seeks to overcome a separation of art forms and genres for an integrated artistic approach. influenced by scientific reference systems, nicolai often engages mathematic patterns such as grids and codes, as well as error, random and self-organising structures.
after his participation in important international exhibitions like “documenta x” and the “49th and 50th venice biennial”, nicolai’s works were shown in two comprehensive solo exhibitions at schirn kunsthalle frankfurt, germany (anti reflex), at neue nationalgalerie in berlin, germany (syn chron) in 2005, at haus konstruktiv, zurich (static fades) in 2007 and at cac, vilnius (pionier) in 2011. he is represented by galerie eigen + art in leipzig/berlin, the pace gallery and galleria lorcan o’neill in rome.
under the pseudonym noto carsten nicolai experiments with sound to create his own code of signs, acoustic and visual symbols. as alva noto he leads those experiments into the field of electronic music. besides performing in club and concert halls, nicolai presented his audio-visual pieces at museums like solomon r. guggenheim museum in new york, san francisco museum of modern art, centre pompidou in paris, kunsthaus graz or tate modern in london. additionally he pursues projects with diverse artists such as ryuichi sakamoto, ryoji ikeda (cyclo.), blixa bargeld (anbb), michael nyman, mika vainio or thomas knak (opto). his latest musical project with olaf bender (byetone) is called diamond version and is released on mute records.
lives and works in berlin and chemnitz, germany
1965 born in karl-marx-stadt, gdr
1984 worked as a gardener
1985-90 studies of landscape design, dresden, germany
1992 co-founded voxxx.kultur und kommunikationszentrum, chemnitz, germany
1994 founded noton.archiv für ton und nichtton
1999 label unit raster-noton
source: designboom
the work pioneer II has been especially designed and developed for the public space project
at piazza plebiscito in naples, italy. a number of enlightened large-scale helium balloons hover
above the piazza, fixed to large metal cylinders the ground via strong wire are free to sway in the wind.
the scenery is completed by an underlying sound.
played through several loudspeakers installed throughout the piazza. it will be generated by a transfer of seismic movements caused by the volcano mount vesuvius. the installation occupies with it the
interaction of artificial and natural elements – directly referring to the antagonism of the city and its
natural environment – to express how difficult it is to achieve stable conditions and how easily
a system might be undermined or contradicted.
born 1965 in karl-marx-stadt, carsten nicolai is part of a generation of artists who work
intensively in the transitional area between art and science. as a visual artist nicolai seeks to
overcome the separation of the sensual perceptions of man by making scientific phenomenons
like sound and light frequencies perceivable for both eyes and ears. his installations have a
minimalistic aesthetic whose elegance and consistency is highly intriguing. further aspects
of his works consider the integration of chance as well as the inspection of the interchanging
relations of micro and macro structures.
‘in my opinion the emphasis of self-generating processes is a reaction to the claim to plan everything.
many of my works underlie a rule and introduce a model as organizing scheme to recognize chaotic movements. I am interested in both moments, they lie really close together. (…) the article active
mutations of self-reproducing networks, machines and tapes (1996) by takashi ikegami and takashi
hashimoto had a major impact on my work. they wrote about loop structures and self-organisation.
loops get created by mathematical processes whose results at the same time are the source for new
calculations. by constant re-calculating mistakes occur, build up changing patterns and become
the origin of new intelligent processes.’ – CN
after his participation in important international exhibitions like documenta X and the 49th and 50th
venice biennale, nicolai’s works were shown in two comprehensive solo exhibitions at schirn kunsthalle
frankfurt, germany (anti reflex) and at neue nationalgalerie in berlin, germany (syn chron) in 2005.
in 2007 he had extensive shows in zurich and new york.
for several years now carsten nicolai has experimented with sound under the pseudonym alva noto, creating his own code of signs, acoustic and visual symbols. as alva noto he leads those experiments
into the field of electronic music. nicolai has already performed as alva noto at solomon r. guggenheim museum in new york, the san francisco museum of modern art, centre pompidou in paris, kunsthaus graz and at tate modern in london. additionally he has projects with diverse artists such as
ryoji ikeda (cyclo.), mika vainio or thomas knak (opto); recently he toured with ryuichi sakamoto
through europe, australia and asia.
carsten nicolai lives and works in berlin and chemnitz, germany.
source: museomadreit
L’appuntamento con l’arte contemporanea a Piazza del Plebiscito giunge alla sua quindicesima edizione. Quest’anno il prestigioso spazio cittadino ospiterà il progetto PIONIER II dell’artista tedesco Carsten Nicolai. L’iniziativa voluta dal Comune di Napoli e dalla Regione Campania organizzata dalla Fondazione Donnaregina è stata realizzata con il contributo di Fondi Europei.
Tre palloni aerostatici, illuminati dall’interno e collegati al suolo tramite cavi metallici, ondeggiano sulla piazza. Il progetto è completato dalla diffusione di un suono di sottofondo, trasposizione sonora, ad opera di un software, delle onde telluriche prodotte dal Vesuvio. Il lavoro affronta il tema dell’interazione tra elementi artificiali e naturali ed è direttamente ispirato al rapporto antagonista che da sempre la città vive con il proprio sottosuolo, ricorda quanto sia difficile raggiungere una condizione di stabilità e quanto facilmente un sistema possa essere messo in questione o contraddetto. Nicolai riflette sull’aspetto instabile e tellurico di Napoli, una città che si nutre delle sue contraddizioni e lacerazioni e allo stesso tempo si rigenera dalle proprie catastrofi; si ricollega, in ultima analisi, ad una intuizione che la lungimiranza di Lucio Amelio tradusse in Terrae Motus, emblema imperituro della potenza rigeneratrice dell’arte che risponde alla violenza sopraffattrice della natura.
Pionier II collega idealmente, in un circolo virtuoso, Piazza Plebiscito al Museo Madre, dove Nicolai è presente nella mostra Barock. Arte, Scienza, Fede e Tecnologia nell’Età Contemporanea.
La poetica di Carsten Nicolai si muove nello spazio di transizione tra arte e scienza. Interessato sia ai fenomeni naturali e fisici che alle nuove tecnologie, l’artista analizza le strutture macroscopiche e geometriche dei suoni, le caratteristiche fisiche del tempo e dello spazio, del movimento e della luce. La sua ricerca è tesa a superare le barriere tra le singole sensazioni, mira al raggiungimento di una percezione sensoriale sinestetica. Nelle sue installazioni, ricerca acustica e visiva trovano un perfetto equilibrio. Rigorose e allo stesso tempo delicate, caratterizzate da una estetica minimale e da un cromatismo netto che predilige il bianco e il nero, mirano ad analizzare l’essenza dei fenomeni, i loro elementi costitutivi e come questi ultimi possono essere tradotti in stimoli sonori e visivi da indagare e decostruire.
Si ringraziano l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Osservatorio Vesuviano, l’Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno Cura e Turismo di Napoli per la collaborazione nella realizzazione del progetto.
Tra le figure più rappresentative del panorama artistico internazionale, Carsten Nicolai (1965) ha partecipato, tra l’altro: alla Biennale di Mosca (2007), alle Biennali di Singapore e di Santa Fe (2006), alla Biennale di Venezia (2003 e 2001), a Documenta X di Kassel (1997). Fra le ultime mostre personali: Kunstraum, Innsbruck (2009), Kunsthalle di Amburgo (2008), Museum Haus Konstruktiv di Zurigo (2007), Schirn Kunsthalle di Francoforte e Neue Nationalgalerie di Berlino (2005).
Carsten Nicolai, con lo pseudonimo di Alva Noto, ha trasposto i suoi esperimenti sulla sinestesia dal campo delle arti visive a quello della musica elettronica. Si è esibito all’interno di musei e spazi istituzionali tra cui il Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum a New York, il San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, il Centre Pompidou a Paris, la Kunsthaus di Graz e la Tate Modern di Londra, oltre ad aver collaborato con Ryuichi Sakamoto, Mika Vainio e Ryoji Ikeda.
source: blogsina
德国艺术家卡斯滕·尼古拉(Carsten Nicolai)的视听装置作品“unidisplay”近日在米兰Hangar Bicocca展出,没想到他越搞越大。记得是十年前他在东京360画廊办展览,那时最大的作品就是全开纸那么大,是视听纸张作品,现在在米兰的作品很壮观,我觉得是受池田亮司的影响。尼古拉在日本做过几次展览,有人气。他的作品高雅、抒情、极简。