


Project DNA

source: showtimeartsacuk

Project DNA is the three-dimensional accessories collection from London-based designer, Catherine Wales. At the helm of the world’s third industrial revolution, Catherine’s debut offering cross-pollinates high fashion, technology and science to re-evaluate conventional methods of garment construction and push the boundaries of digital fabrication within the luxury market.

Inspired by identity and the visual structure of human chromosomes, Project DNA is created almost entirely with individual and interchangeable ball and socket components that allow it to be built in a number of directions. Produced using white nylon with a 3D printer, the eight-piece collection encompasses a scaffolded corset, a blossoming feathered shoulder piece and a waist bracelet complemented by four transformative headpieces that hide key areas of the face; including a guilded horn and a mirrored mask, and a cut out visor helmet.

Catherine’s futuristic collection is completely unique and can be used both editorially to stimulate conceptual thinking and scientifically to develop the capabilities of luxury fashion prototyping within the 3D space.

As an expert pattern cutter, Catherine originally approached Project DNA with a view to sustainably solve the current complications surrounding garment sizing and manufacturing restrictions. In this way, the collection embraces technological developments in order to cut down wastage and better support consumer demand.

Catherine Wales has been working in luxury and fashion for over 15 years. Her solo work channels her recent MA in Digital Fashion from the London College of Fashion. Prior to turning her sights to the digital world, Catherine trained and worked with some of the most prestigious fashion labels in the world, cutting designs for Jasper Conran, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, Oswald Boateng, Emanuel Ungaro and Saint Laurent, where she worked with the renowned Hedi Slimane and former design assistant, Simon Spurr.
source: 3dprintingindustry

Another notable fashion designer has started experimenting with 3D printing and some of it is rather startling — but exciting and appealing. Cathering Wales began her career in fashion over 15 years ago and has trained and worked alongside some of the names in the industry, including Jasper Conran, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, Oswald Boateng, Emanuel Ungaro and Saint Laurent. However, her most recent solo design work, the result of an MA in Digital Fashion from the London College of Fashion, has culminated in a collection called Project DNA that has, among other things, taken her in to world of 3D printing to explore her fashion ideas for accessories.

With a philosophy that is not entirely unique now, the Project DNA collection aims to synergize high fashion, technology and science and does result in some extraordinarily unique fashion statements inspired by identity and the visual structure of human chromosomes. As a result, Project DNA is created almost entirely with individual and interchangeable ball and socket components — enabled by 3D printing — that allow it to be built in a number of directions.

The collection consists of eight pieces, which include a scaffolded corset, a blossoming feathered shoulder piece and a waist bracelet complemented by four transformative headpieces that hide key areas of the face; including a guilded horn and a mirrored mask, and a cut out visor helmet.

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The Business of Fashion (BoF) recently interviewed Catherine Wales recently and she told them:

“With 3D printing we now have the ability to realise our creations almost instantly, speeding up the development process in a way we never thought possible. This technology holds the promise of a world where imagination has no boundaries and in time there won’t be a material that cannot be reproduced as a 3D object.”

“The development process involved with 3D printing means we can also tailor-make designs to specific body shapes and eliminate the need for categorising product into traditional size groups. I start by scanning the body and importing that data into a 3D software programme, then design the product around the curves of the body, so that they fit like a second skin. I also use my pattern cutting and fit knowledge to add or cut away from that shape in areas that will provide lift or desired reduction, as seen on the corset.”

“Once the designs are complete in the software application, this data is then fed through to the printer, in my case the [laser sintering] machine, which laser sinters powdered nylon together in a layering format over a period of six to thirty-six hours, depending on the complexity of the data.”
source: glocalmx

Los motivos de la tercera revolución industrial tienen que ver con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, con los nuevos sistemas de energía y, por supuesto, con las transformaciones económicas que ha sufrido el mundo en los últimos años. Sin embargo, también tiene que ver con la innovación científica, la revolución de la inteligencia y con la digitalización del estilo de vida. Es ahí donde Catherine Wales encontró la inspiración para su nueva colección.

El trabajo de esta diseñadora es un modo de expresión que oscila entre el arte objeto, el diseño y la moda. Con el afán de ampliar los límites de producción digital, la diseñadora londinense conjuga ciencia y tecnología para crear piezas que reflejan los cambios tecnológicos que se viven a diario.

Tomando el cuerpo como objeto de investigación y con una actitud abierta a métodos y materiales que simultáneamente reaccionan en torno al concepto de portabilidad, la diseñadora creó Project DNA, una colección de accesorios impresos en 3D. Cada una de las piezas fue pensada desde lenguajes estéticos distintos; libertad, modernidad, velocidad, evolución, androginia y componentes moleculares conforman el devenir de la colección.

Project DNA fue elaborado para estimular el pensamiento conceptual y científico, desarrollar nuevas formas de creación de prototipos de moda, incentivar la experimentación con impresoras 3D y reducir el desperdicio de materiales.
source: ground3dnl

Het afstudeerproject van Catherine Wales is een verzameling van 3D-geprinte werken die op het lichaam gedragen kunnen worden. Daarmee zijn ze een fantastische aanvulling op je garderobe! De belangrijkste thema’s in dit project zijn spiritueel, reflectief en functioneel. Elk thema omarmt het concept van het kleden met een product dat precies bij ieders unieke lichaamsvorm past en dat getransformeerd kan worden in elk gewenste silhouet.

Om dit concept te kunnen verwezenlijken, zijn verbindingen en onderdelen ontworpen die ofwel aangebracht op het product kunnen worden, als accessoire gebruikt kunnen worden, of een functionele behoefte kunnen vervullen. Zo zijn de veren bijvoorbeeld stuk voor stuk in een andere positie te plaatsen.
source: sitedouban

由当地Digits2Widgets工作室提供设备与支持,伦敦设计师Catherine Wales设计了一系列利用3D打印技术制作的服饰作品,包括羽毛披肩,立体分子结构般的紧身胸衣,面罩等等。作品接受定制,也无需尺码做标签,顾客只需扫描一下身体,就能定制完美合身的、符于自己独一无二尺寸的衣服了。
source: youfashionable

Combinazione di moda, scienza e stampe 3D contraddistinguono l’idea avanguardista della designer di moda londinese: Catherine Wales. La promettente stilista ha realizzato una collezione ispirata al mondo della scienza e in particolar modo del DNA, realizzando 8 pezzi unici ed inimitabili. La linea prende proprio il nome di DNA Project e questi capi in realtà non sono altro che degli accessori indossabili che, per la loro forma e design, si spingono oltre i confini della fabbricazione digitale all’interno del mercato del lusso.

Ispirata dalla struttura delle eliche di DNA e dai cromosomi umani, la Wales ha iniziato con la scansione 3D del corpo di chi lo indossa e poi ha importato i dati su un software di modellazione 3D. Ogni pezzo può essere, quindi, progettato per adattarsi a tutte le forme specifiche del corpo. Uno dei primi capi realizzati è un capo spalla con piume bianche applicate come a voler riprodurre l’ala di un angelo è stato esposto alla Biennale di Arnhem nei Paesi Bassi fino al 21 luglio.

La raccolta nasce dalla necessità di ridurre i costi di fabbricazione senza dover rinunciare a materiali resistenti e in più punta ad abbracciare nuovi sviluppi tecnologici al fine di ridurre gli sprechi e sostenere meglio la domanda dei consumatori.
Catherine Wales ha lavorato per oltre 15 anni nel campo della moda di lusso lavorando per designer come: Jasper Conran, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, Oswald Boateng, Emanuel Ungaro e Saint Laurent, dove ha collaborato con il celebre Hedi Slimane .
source: frauflugerru

Мода идет в ногу не только с современными тенденциями, но и технологиями. И даже трехмерные возможности выходят за рамки экранов кинотеатров.

3D-мода: Лондонский дизайнер создал коллекцию, вдохновленную ДНК
За 15 лет своей карьеры лондонский дизайнер Catherine Wales успела поработать с такими известными брендами, как Yves Saint Laurent, Jasper Conran и Emanuel Ungaro. Набравшись опыта, она стала черпать вдохновение не в творениях культовых модельеров, а в визуальном формировании человеческих хромосом.

Wales выпустила коллекцию одежды, созданную с помощью 3D-принтера. Состоящая из восьми предметов, она включает в себя корсет, украшение из перьев на плечо, своеобразные маски для лица и другие аксессуары. Музой же дизайнера стало простое и в тоже время сложное человеческое ДНК.
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Для лондонского модельера гардероб представляет собой сменный набор строительных блоков, с помощью которых любая модница сможет в прямом смысле настроить одежду и «подогнать» ее под свой тип фигуры и по собственному желанию.
source: sanhdieu

Thời trang 3D

Một thế giới thời trang mới đầy ấn tượng được Catherine Wales sáng tạo dựa trên sự kết hợp giữa công nghệ 3D, khoa học vũ trụ và nghệ thuật thị giác.

Project DNA là bộ sưu tập phụ kiện ba chiều của Catherine Wales. Lấy cảm hứng từ những hình ảnh và cấu trúc nhiễm sắc thể của con người, Project DNA mang một luồng gió mới đến thế giới thời trang. Hình ảnh 3D sống động với các chòm sao trắng vùng mặt, vai, hông, những chiếc mặt nạ ấn tượng, tất cả tạo nên những tác phẩm điêu khắc kỳ thú có tác động thị giác đặc biệt.