Charlotte Gyllenhammar
Шарлотта Гилленхаммар
source: glasstressorg
Charlotte Gyllenhammar is considered one of the most important players on the Swedish art scene. Born in 1963, she lives and works in Stockholm. After having attended the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm in the late 1980s and specializing in painting, her interest in sculpture deepened at the Royal College of Art in London. Even during her studies, the artist made clear her interest in political and social contexts, including memory, inversion, the lack of freedom, the loss of innocence and a childhood violated, the realm of the unconscious and of the split personality, marginalization, the dualism of life and death, femininity and beauty, and, finally, hero worship. Gyllenhammar makes use of various media: 3D installations that combine sculpture, photography, print, video and projections, even common, everyday objects. She thus is able to produce surreal situations that create in spectators a sense of disorientation and deformation that leads to a new dimension of reality. She has created numerous works of public art for such leading institutions as the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial (2007) in Gothenburg, Sweden. For several years, her works have become part of the permanent collections of several museums, including the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC, and the Kiasma in Helsinki.
source: borasse
Charlotte Gyllenhammar arbetar huvudsakligen med skulptur, installation och film. Gyllenhammars konstverk beskrivs ofta som obehagliga med en ständig närvaro av utsatthet och hot.
Verket Ute beställdes av Borås Stad 2004 och placerades vid Södra torget, en skulptur av ett ensamt barn sneglande mot vattnet i Viskan och med den tunga busstraffiken bakom ryggen. Barnet är ett återkommande motiv i Gyllenhammars konst där det fungerar som förstärkare av tillstånd och styr människors uppmärksamhet till eventuella hot i miljöerna. I Ute framställs barnet som i behov av beskydd, oskyldigt och exponerat för omvärldens faror.